Page 19 - Orthopedic Casting Manual
P. 19

2.3 Safety Considerations

            Casting is not without r isks. Adher ing to safet y protocols minimizes complic ations and enhances p atient

            •  Skin Protection
               ◦  Ensure adequate p adding over bony prominences to prevent pressure sores.
               ◦  Avoid excessive tightness to prevent constr iction or compromised blood flow.

            •  Applic ation Technique
               ◦  Use smooth, even layers to avoid r idges or wr inkles, which c an c ause discomfor t or complic ations.
               ◦  Over lap layers by 50% to ensure strength without adding unnecessar y bulk.

            •  Monitoring for Complic ations
               ◦  Regular ly check for signs of neurovascular compromise: changes in skin color, c apillar y refill time, and
               ◦  Educ ate p atients to repor t symptoms such as numbness, tingling, or excessive swelling immediately

                  LRobinson, 2020M.
            •  Wor kplace Safet y
               ◦  Ensure adequate ventilation when wor king with fiberglass mater ials, as the resin c an produce ir r itating
               ◦  Dispose of waste mater ials proper ly to prevent environmental hazards.
            •  Cast Saw Safet y Considerations
               ◦  The oscillating saw is an essential tool for removing hardened c asts but requires c areful handling to

                  prevent injur y:
                  •  Operator Training: Ensure all users are proper ly trained in the use of the c ast saw, including how to
                    angle the blade and adjust pressure appropr iately.
                  •  Blade Maintenance: Regular ly inspect the saw blade for dullness or damage, as this c an reduce
                    efficiency and incre ase the r isk of over he ating.
                  •  Avoid Excessive Pressure: Use light, controlled pressure to allow the blade to cut through the c ast
                    without generating unnecessar y he at that c an har m the p atientʼs skin.
                  •  Cooling Techniques: Frequently p ause and allow the blade to cool, or use a damp cloth to cool the
                    blade dur ing ex tended use.
                  •  Patient Safet y: Communic ate with the p atient throughout the procedure to ensure comfor t and address
                    any concer ns. Remind them to remain still dur ing c ast removal to avoid accidental injur ies.
            •  Patient Educ ation
               ◦  Instruct p atients on c ast c are, including keeping non-water proof c asts dr y, avoiding inser ting objects into
                  the c ast, and monitor ing for complic ations.
               ◦  Highlight the impor tance of follow-up appointments to adjust or remove the c ast as needed.
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