Page 25 - Orthopedic Casting Manual
P. 25
3. Protection of the Injured Area
- Description: By creating a protective bar rier, a cast prevents ex ter nal trauma
and contamination of the injur y site.
- Guards against infection in cases of closed or healing open wounds.
- Minimizes mechanical stress and shear forces on
the injured tissue.
Clinical Application:
- Post-surgical immobilization or in soft tissue injuries like tendon repairs.
4. Reduction of Swelling and Pain
- Description: Proper ly applied casting can help manage swelling by
compressing tissues appropriately, without causing vascular or ner ve
- Relieves pain by immobilizing the area and preventing movements that
aggravate nociceptors.
- Controls edema, which can reduce secondar y complications.
Clinical Application:
- Ear ly application of splints or par tial casts in acute injuries to manage swelling
before transitioning to full casting.
5. Maintenance of Anatomical Alignment
Description: A cast ensures that bones, joints, and soft tissues remain in their
proper anatomical positions.
- Prevents defor mities such as malunion or angulation during the healing
- Restores biomechanical stabilit y for long-ter m function.
Clinical Application:
- Essential in managing fractures of weight-bearing bones or joints, like the
femur or radius.