Page 52 - Orthopedic Casting Manual
P. 52
Upon successful completion of
these orthopedic modules, students
will be able to:
✓ Identify the primar y t ypes of fractures (e.g., transverse, oblique, spiral,
comminuted) and their distinguishing features.
✓ Explain the criteria used in fracture classification, such as displacement,
angulation, and location.
✓ Describe the clinical relevance of fracture classification in guiding treatment
✓ Use fracture classification to supor t initial treatment plans or refer ral
pathways, per MD guidance.
✓ Compare the utilit y of different fracture classification in specific clinical
✓ Define key or thopedic ter ms, including ter ms related to anatomy (e.g.,
diaphysis, metaphysis), injur y mechanisms (e.g., avulsion, compression), and
procedures (e.g., ORIF, ex ter nal fixation).
✓ Recall common abbreviations and their meanings in or thopedic practice.
✓ Explain the significance of precise ter minology in effective communication
among heal thcare providers.
✓ Illustrate how anatomical and procedural ter ms are interconnected in
describing or thopedic conditions and inter ventions.
✓ Use appropriate or thopedic ter minology when documenting patient cases or
communicating with colleagues.
✓ Match clinical ter ms with their cor responding definitions and contex ts in
or thopedic practice.
✓ Differentiate bet ween ter ms with similar meanings but distinct applications,
such as subluxation vs. dislocation or cast vs. splint.
✓ Appreciate the clarit y and accuracy of or thopedic ter minology used in patient
records or interdisciplinar y communication.