Page 47 - Orthopedic Casting Manual
P. 47

Bone he aling is influenced by a var iet y of factors that c an either enhance or hinder the process. These factors
            c an be bro adly c ategor ized into biologic al, mechanic al, and systemic influences.
            II. Systemic Factors
            A. Nutritional Status
            •  Descr iption: Adequate intake of nutr ients, such as c alcium, vitamin D, and protein, is crucial for bone rep air.
            •  Imp act: Deficiencies in c alcium and vitamin D imp air mineralization.
            •  Protein deficiency slows c allus for mation and collagen synthesis.

            B. Hor monal Influences

            •  Descr iption: Hor mones regulate bone metabolism and he aling processes.
            •  Imp act: Positive effect: Parathyroid hor mone LPTH) stimulates bone remodeling.
            •  Negative effect: Excessive cor ticosteroids inhibit osteoblast function and bone for mation.
            C. Smoking and Alcohol Use

            •  Descr iption: Tob acco and alcohol negatively affect bone he aling by al ter ing cellular and vascular dynamics.
            •  Imp act: - Smoking reduces oxygen deliver y and inhibits osteoblastic activit y.
            •  Chronic alcohol consumption disrupts c alcium metabolism and osteoblast function.

            D. Comor bidities
            •  Descr iption: Chronic he al th conditions c an delay bone he aling.
            •  Imp act: Diabetes mellitus: Imp airs vascular it y and incre ases the r isk of infection.
            •  Rheumatoid ar thr itis: Cre ates a pro-inflammator y environment that hinders he aling.
            •  Chronic kidney dise ase: Al ters c alcium-phosphorus b alance, imp air ing bone strength.

            E. Medic ations

            •  Descr iption: Cer tain drugs c an influence bone he aling.
            •  Imp act: Positive: Bisphosphonates (used in osteoporosis) may improve bone densit y.
            •  Negative: NSAIDs and glucocor ticoids c an delay he aling by reducing inflammation necessar y for c allus
               for mation.

            F. Infection
            •  Descr iption: Infection at the fracture site c an severely disrupt he aling.
            •  Imp act: Le ads to chronic osteomyelitis or delayed union.
            •  Requires aggressive tre atment, including antibiotics and surgic al debr idement.
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