Page 42 - Orthopedic Casting Manual
P. 42

4.2o Bone Healing Following Injury

            Introduction:  Bones  are  essential  structures  in  the  human  body,  ser ving  as  the  framewor k  for  suppor t,  protection
            of   vital   organs,   and   facilitation   of   movement.   Despite   their   strength   and   resilience,   bones   are   not   imper vious  to
            injur y. Trauma, repetitive stress, or under lying medic al conditions c an resul t in fractures,
            disrupting   the   integr it y   of   these   cr itic al   structures.   Understanding   the   bone   he aling   process   is   essential   for
            he al thc are   professionals,   as   it   provides   the   foundation   for   effective   management   of   fractures   and   ensures
            optimal   recover y   outcomes.   Bone   he aling   is   a   complex,   mul ti-stage   process   that   involves   coordinated   cellular
            and molecular events aimed at restor ing the bone's or iginal structure and function.

            Stages of Bone He aling Bone he aling occurs in four over lapping stages: inflammation, soft c allus for mation, hard
            c allus for mation, and remodeling. Each stage is character ized by specific biologic al processes and cellular
            activities that contr ibute to the rep air and restoration of the bone.
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