Page 38 - Orthopedic Casting Manual
P. 38

4.1o Cardinal Signs of


            Introduction:    Inflammation     is   a   fundamental   biological   response   to   tissue   injur y,
            infection,   or   other   har mful   stimuli.   The   classic   symptoms   of   inflammation   were

            first   described   by   the   Roman   medical    writer   Aulus   Cor nelius   Celsus   in   the   1st
            centur y   AD,   and   they   remain    critical   diagnostic   tools   in   moder n   heal thcare.
            These signs are essential for understanding the mechanisms of inflammation and
            guiding   effective   patient   care.   In   this   lecture,   we   will   discuss   the   five   cardinal

            signs   of   inflammation    and   their   physiological    significance,    with   references    to
            historical and contemporar y medical literature.
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