Page 33 - Orthopedic Casting Manual
P. 33

3.2.3 Materials for Fiberglass


            Fiberglass or thopedic c asts are widely used for immobilizing
            fractures and providing suppor t to injured limbs. The mater ials used in the applic ation of a fiberglass c ast include
            the following:
            ✓  Fiberglass c ast tape: The pr imar y component of a fiberglass c ast is the fiberglass c ast tape, which is made of
               woven fiberglass fabr ic impregnated with a polyurethane resin. The fiberglass fabr ic provides strength and
               durabilit y, while the resin hardens when exposed to moisture, allowing the c ast to set and maintain its shape.
               Fiberglass c ast tape is available in var ious wid ths and colors, allowing for customization according to the
               p atient's needs and preferences.
            ✓  Padding: Padding is applied under the fiberglass c ast to protect the p atient's skin and provide cushioning.

               Cast p adding, such as synthetic or cotton c ast p adding, is commonly used for this pur pose. Another option is
               a tubular stockinette, which is a stretchy, soft mater ial that c an be placed over the limb before the c ast
               p adding and fiberglass tape are applied. Padding should be applied smoothly and evenly to prevent pressure
               points or wr inkles that could ir r itate the skin.

            ✓  Gloves: When applying a fiberglass c ast, he al thc are providers should we ar gloves to protect their hands from
               the resin and prevent skin ir r itation. The gloves also ensure a cle an applic ation and prevent contamination of
               the c ast mater ials.
            ✓  Water: Water is used to activate the polyurethane resin in the fiberglass c ast tape. The he al thc are provider will

               t ypic ally dip the fiberglass tape roll in water or use a spray bottle to dampen it. The temperature of the water
               c an affect the wor king and setting time of the c ast; using war mer water will speed up the setting time, while
               cooler water will slow it down. The water should be cle an to prevent contamination and reduce the r isk of

            ✓  Scissors or c ast saw: Scissors or a c ast saw may be needed to tr im the edges of the c ast or remove it once
               the fracture has he aled. Scissors c an be used to tr im the c ast p adding and stockinette, while a c ast saw is
               specially designed to remove fiberglass c asts without injur ing the p atient's skin.
            ✓  Cast spre ader: In some c ases, a c ast spre ader may be used to remove a fiberglass c ast. This tool is designed

               to spre ad the c ast ap ar t after making an initial cut with a c ast saw, allowing for safe and efficient removal of
               the c ast without damaging the p atient's skin.

            These materials, when used in conjunction with proper c asting techniques and principles, contribute to the
            successful applic ation and management of f iberglass or thopedic c asts. Fiberglass c asts are prefer red by
            many he al thc are providers and p atients due to their light weight, durable, and water-resistant proper ties.
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