Page 35 - Orthopedic Casting Manual
P. 35

3.2.4 Steps for Cast Removal cont.

            3. Spre ading and Removal
            3.1 Use the Cast Spre ader
            • Inser t the c ast spre ader into the cut sections and
            gently pr y open the c ast.
            • Wor k slowly to avoid excessive pressure on the
            under lying tissue.

            3.2 Remove the Padding
            • Use b andage scissors to c arefully cut through the soft
            inner p adding and stockinette.

            3.3 Lift the Cast Away
            • Remove the c ast halves gently, ensur ing no shar p edges
            contact the skin.

            4. Post-Removal Care
            4.1 Assess the Skin
            • Inspect the skin for abrasions, dr yness, or ir r itation.
            • Address any are as of concer n, such as cle aning the skin
            or applying moistur izer.

            4.2 Ad vise the Patient
            • Discuss the nex t steps in c are, such as rehabilitation
            exercises or fur ther protection for the limb.
            • Reinforce follow-up instructions and answer any p atient
            4.3 Dispose of the Cast
            • Safely disc ard the c ast mater ials per facilit y
            5. Documentation
            • Record the procedure in the p atient's medic al record,
            including any obser vations of the skin, p atient feedb ack, and post-c are instructions. Always br ing any
            questions/concer ns to your physician, medic al super visor etc.
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