Page 107 - ASOP ROT Study Guide
P. 107

8 . 5 . 2 Clinical presentation

In some people this leads to spontaneous dislocation of the patella and failure of the quadriceps muscle
group to act as an extensor, so the person falls to the ground. This can be very dangerous as it happens
without warning and predominately dislocate in the lateral direction.

8 . 5 . 3 Management

Minor degrees of mal-tracking are dealt with by surgical splitting of the vastus lateralis muscle insertion into the
patella, allowing the patella to fall back into a normal relationship to the femur. If it is recurrent and severe then
a medial tightening (plication) of the vastus medialis muscle may be required. In adulthood, the patellar
tendon may be re-sited more medially.

This condition should not be confused with anterior knee pain often seen in adolescence, particularly in

girls. This condition is poorly understood and is best left alone as most cases settle spontaneously.

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