Page 35 - ASOP ROT Study Guide
P. 35

UNIT 1 – Section Objectives

At the end of this unit you should be able to:

1. List the bones and joints of the pelvic girdle.
2. Describe how the bones, ligaments and joints of the pelvis co-operate to stabilize the pelvic

3. Name the major bones of the lower limb.

4. Describe the following features of the hip, knee and ankle joints: stability, axes of movement type of
movement blood supply
5. Describe the major muscles in each limb segment and identify the prime movers of each type
of movement of the hip, knee and ankle.
6. Name the three major peripheral nerves of the lower limb and which muscle groups they
7. Describe the role of the patella.
8. Describe how the knee ligaments stabilize the joint and how their destruction disrupts normal
knee movement.
9. Describe the shape of the foot and list the major bones.
10. Describe the axis of the subtalar joint and its movement of inversion and eversion.
11. Describe the first metatarsophalangeal joint and how deformities lead to the formation of
12. List the three main bones and three main joints of the upper limb.
13. Describe the shoulder girdle.
14. Discuss how the scapulo-thoracic and gleno-humeral joints work together to allow
shoulder movement.
15. Describe the following features of the shoulder, elbow and wrist joints: stability
axes of movement type of movement
16. Describe the major muscle groups in each limb segment for each type of movement of the
shoulder, elbow and wrist and digits.
17. Name the three major peripheral nerves of the upper limb and the muscle groups which they
18. Describe the role of tendons in operating the hand.
19. Describe the function of the thumb.
20. List the four regions of the spine.
21. Describe the general shape and construction of the vertebral column.
22. Describe the movement of each of the regions of the spine.
23. Describe the structures which stabilize the spine and determine posture.
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