Page 40 - ASOP ROT Study Guide
P. 40

UNIT 2 – Regional Anatomy

In this unit you will review the anatomy and physiology of the following regions of the body: (1) the
lower limb, (2) the upper limb and the (3) spine.


This is the part of the body below, and including, the hip joint, commonly known as the "leg".
The section starts by describing the main features of the lower limb and pelvic girdle. (The pelvic
girdle is included in the unit because it forms one side of the hip joint and because it has a crucial
role in the functioning of the lower limb). The hip and knee joints and their associated muscles are
then studied in detail. The section concludes with less detailed sub-sections on the ankle and foot.
1 . 1 Function
The lower limb consists of four major parts: a girdle formed by the hip bones, the thigh, the leg, and
the foot. It is specialized for the support of weight, adaptation to gravity, and locomotion. The lower
limbs (or lower extremities) are responsible for carrying and propelling the rest of the body. The
lower extremity helps in maintaining our upright posture
The lower limb generates great power through the action of its muscles and at the same time keeps
the body balanced. This means that the muscle action must be highly organized and coordinated.
If the lower limb is damaged by disease or injury, full mobility will only return if both coordination
and muscle power are restored during healing.
1.2 General Layout


The lower limb consists of three segments: the thigh, the leg, and the foot.
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