Page 23 - MILK - TRANSLATION - MICHAEL (1)-converted
P. 23
"Take a seat, my friend. Tea or coffee?"
“Tea. Thank you.” He nods while he takes a seat on the couch. Shortly
after, she returns with the hot tea, in a teapot that’s neatly matching the edge of
the table. She pours up the tea.
"I must admit I didn’t expect you to be... like this."
“Like what?” She says smiling in one of the armchairs opposite him.
"I mean, ah well. It's nonsense," he says, a little embarrassed, "but I
thought you’d be more frail, maybe even demented.
"It's because you met me here in a nursing home, and people who live in
such a place are often sick, and luckily I’m not"
They both laugh at her last comment.
“Well then, the police would like to hear about my adopted son, yes? “ She
says suddenly with a serious expression and hands him the small cake dish with
petit fours.
"Unfortunately, this is a very complicated case. Certain things might shock
you. But to my understanding you could help with some key elements."
"Yes, yes, don’t worry. There isn’t much that can shock me after all these
years," she says, leaning back in her chair and looking at him with an inquisitive
"First of all, tell me about your child’s father. According to the church
register in Holte, he is listed as a Dieter Stormann. Let’s begin there."
“Oh my, Dieter,” she says with a sly smile and looks at him as a lenient
teacher looking at a student who hasn’t yet fully grasped the subject.
"Dieter Stormann is the father of Johan, as he later were called."
He suddenly looks at her seriously. “Yes ok, Johan! Tell me about him!”
Tom says eagerly.
“Do you know him?” She asked in astonishment of his sudden excitement.
“Well, no and yes. Unfortunately” He replies and hurries to take a sip of
his tea, before he continues.
“I know his name which unfortunately is in connection with a case we are
investigating in Germany, it's a long story. Johan have disappeared and I would
like to expand more, but later. The important thing for now is for you to tell me