Page 168 - Lindsey Philpott "The Ultimate Book of Decorative Knots"
P. 168
162 tHe ultiMate Book oF decorative knots
12 We must now stabilise the knot. tuck the 14 – then from right to left, under two and
working end under two and over two, from
right to left.
over two.
13 at the next bight, pass the working end 15 We have now successfully returned our
working end to the beginning part of the
from left to right, under two and over
standing part. Cut off the ends and hide
two …
The final view, showing the over-two,
under-two structure of this Spanish
From this start we move on to creating a Spanish
Ring Knot of two passes, called so because this is
the second time we have gone around the ring, creat-
ing more bights and leads.