Page 171 - Lindsey Philpott "The Ultimate Book of Decorative Knots"
P. 171
purely decorative knots 165
Four-pass spanish ring knot for your application (say, a thin cardboard tube that
To move from three passes to four we have to make will slide over a scarf, or a metal tube that is used
a different pattern. This starts with some wraps, to slide over a cane, for example) so that you do not
followed by the weaving that we might expect. The get any unwanted collapse of the finished knot. You
knots are normally made over a mandrel or dowel could also size, varnish, or clear-coat the knot in its
that is marked so that we can recognise where finished form to stiffen its fabric. When using wire,
we are with the formation. It is also usually a bit of course, there is little need for any kind of base
oversized compared to the final size we want, so other than the base tube or mandrel over which you
that we can slip the knot off the mandrel directly first form the knot. Here we are showing the knot
into place on our base material. Because the knot made with a relatively stiff polyester cord, so the
will tighten on to its base in ways we may otherwise need for a separate base is reduced, although you
not want (some slippage may be expected unless could still use one if need be.
controlled), it is better to place a slip-over tube on As for the length of cord or wire needed
top of our base mandrel, so that when tightening, for a Four-Pass Knot, use about nine times the
we do not upset the rather delicate balance of the circumference of whatever you are going to make
bights around the upper and lower edges. If you are the knot around, so that you have some to work
making the knot to attach around another object, with. If you double the original cord’s path, then you
like a tool handle, it is OK to make it directly on it will have to double the length needed. When making
instead of making it on a base mandrel, but if you the knot, I have found no need for pins at each bight,
are going to attempt to slip it off the mandrel and although sometimes this may be preferable if you
onto the other object, you would be better off tying are making it for the first time. This is particularly
the knot over a suitable sleeve that matches the need beautiful in leather!
1a starting with a round mandrel or tube, mark
a straight line on each of four sides, then
make a turn of cord around the tube and
pass to the left and then to the right, making pass the cord to the right and then move
a ‘mouth’ over the standing end. note the 1b it toward the left – note the letters on the
letter a on each end of the horizontal line mandrel!
for guidance.