Page 247 - Lindsey Philpott "The Ultimate Book of Decorative Knots"
P. 247
turk’s head knots 241
WIde tH Knots and may disturb your knotting when you remove
Wide TH Knots are, generally speaking, those it. When using loops, each loop is temporary and
below the diagonal line of Square TH Knots in the represents a pin location and that loop can be cut
table given on page 237. To define the methods for when the project is in place on the rail, making for
making the Wide TH Knots, we need a different an easier transition.
system of starts. (We also need something to Wide TH Knots are split into two essential
describe the starts for the remaining TH Knots groups. Each of these groups is itself split down
above the line – that description will come later). into an even number of leads or an odd number
When making Wide TH Knots we usually start of leads. Do you recall that when we were looking
with a tube to which pins are attached at the ends at the Square TH Knots there were four types of
to represent the number of bights we need. There start? Perhaps there is something here that we can
are some fantastic tools on the market now, one formulate into a more general rule that we will look
of which is the KnotTool by Don Burrhus (www. at again later. For now, remember again the Golden I highly recommend it to those who Rule that no combination of leads and bights can
want to just make a Wide or Narrow TH Knot. have the same divisor, and all should go well.
Unfortunately, it is difficult to use when you need to Here is Start A, a 5L3B TH Knot, shown in
put the Wide TH Knot in place on an existing tube photographs below, for an odd number of leads and
or railing if you do not have access to the end of it. an odd number of bights.
For projects like that, you may find that you need a Place your loops at each end of the piece you
simpler method. Instead of using pins (which are are going to cover. Wrap a piece of tape around the
not much use for stainless steel railings!) try using piece and write the number of each loop on the tape
loops of cord held in place by a Constrictor Knot next to where the loop is placed. Make the numbers
or pieces of adhesive tape such as drafting tape. Try sequential for ease of use. This, by the way, is the
not to use duct tape, which will leave marks that are smallest Wide TH Knot for this start, Start A –
hard to remove from the base rail and from the cord, 5L3B (odd leads, odd bights).
1 start at top right and make a turn down and 2 – behind again, and crossing itself to the upper
to the left, crossing the first lead over to the