Page 291 - Lindsey Philpott "The Ultimate Book of Decorative Knots"
P. 291
knob knots 285
wall knotting
Remember that crown rhymes with down, which is
the principal direction in which the cords are laid,
and that walls are built up, which is the principal
direction the cords lie when making the Wall Knot.
Again, over-two or over-three may be used in
making Wall Knotting – or should that be under-
two or under-three? No matter, if you turn the page
upside down you will see that Crown Knotting and
Wall Knotting are the same but their direction of
laying the cord is reversed from down to up. Look
3 the knot tightened around the underlying
a little closer and you will also see that clockwise Each strand has now been passed in turn and
Crown Knotting is anti-clockwise Wall Knotting!
Crown Knotting core. Without that core the
knot will require more tightening or possibly
need under-two Walling instead.
1 Lay out your strands as usual, then pass one 4 Seen here from the
side, the first round of
strand up between its neighbour and the strand
Wall Knots has been
next to that one, as shown here.
The Wall Knot is
difficult to discern from
the Crown Knot, unless
they are side-by-side.
The structure is the
same, only it is made
in a different direction
for each type. Note
that, in this photograph,
the Wall Knotting has
been laid over the base
2 Here the second strand has been passed and is the joints seem farther
Crown Knotting, making
being held against the first strand to steady the
open, and revealing the
passes of the Wall Knots.