Page 374 - Lindsey Philpott "The Ultimate Book of Decorative Knots"
P. 374
368 the ultimate book of decorative knots
2 using the left-hand cord we now pass over all 5 repeat stage 3 for the next part of the letter
the top cords to the right and then under all to
the left. repeat for the next part of the letter ‘e’
over three.
that we formed in stage 1 above. ‘W’ to pass under one, over three, under one,
3 now we turn the corner anti-clockwise at the 6 repeat stage 4 for the last part of the letter
‘W’, going under two, over one, under three,
bottom and go up, under one, over three, under
over one, under one.
one, over three.
7 now adjust all the
loops and the centre
to make a tight knot
in the centre and
large loops at the
top gradually getting
smaller toward the
bottom. the first
knot, the Lotus Bud,
is the head and neck
of the crane. Apply
a fabric stiffener to
the cord if it is loose
4 now pass down the figure under two, over one, or slippery.
under three, over one, under one.