Page 399 - Lindsey Philpott "The Ultimate Book of Decorative Knots"
P. 399

index   393

                      Four Half-Hitch Mat          50   Korean Plum Blossom Knot    360   Netting, Sheet Bend         206
                      Four-Pass Spanish Ring Knot   165  Korean Ring Knot           362   Netting, Square Knots       207
                      French Sinnet Single Strand       Korean Spectacles Knot      363
                         Hitching                 144   Korean Wing Knot            365   Ocean Plait Mat              38
                      French sinnet single-strand       Kringle Mat                  44   One-Pass Spanish Ring Knot   161
                         plait                     81                                     Ornamental Knots            314
                      French sinnet               115   Leather                       8   Oval Mat                     36
                      French Whipping (French           Line                         12   Oval sinnet, type 1         126
                         Spiral)                  145   Little Lump Knot, 10-Strand    290  Oval sinnet, type 2       127
                                                        Little Lump Knot, 8-Strand   287  Oval sinnet, type 3         128
                      Geoffrey Budworth           297   Little Lump Knot, Multiple        Overhand Grafting           154
                      Getting Started               1      Strands                  289   Overhand Round Turn
                      Glossary                    384   Lucet braiding               62     Pointing                  152
                      Golden Tower, Spain         131
                      Grafting and Pointing       150   Macrame Carrick Bend        373   Patrick Ducey’s Cross       320
                      Grafting                    154   Macrame Granny Knot         373   Pennock’s Greek Cross       317
                      Greek Cross                 317   Macrame Half Hitch          374   Pentagonal sinnet           128
                                                        Macrame Ring Hitch          370   Pineapple Knot              266
                      Half Hitch for Netting      208   Macrame square knot         371   Pineapple Knot, Table of
                      Half-Hitch Mats              46   Macramé                     369     possible                  267
                      Half-Hitching               144   Mandala                       2   Plaits                       69
                      Heel Knot Knob Covering     309   Manrope Knot                291   Plastic cord                 14
                      Hemostats                    21   Marline                      14   Pleaching                     3
                      History                       1   Marlinespike                 21   Ply-Split Work              375
                      Horsehair                    13   Marling Hitches             148   Pointing a Rope-End         150
                                                        Materials, Methods,               Pointing, overhand round turn   152
                      International Guild of Knot Tyers  7  Measurements and Tools    7   Pointing, underhand round turn  153
                      International String Figure       Matthew Walker, 8-Strand    281   Polyester whipping twine     23
                         Association                7   Moku Whipping               147   Pricker                      22
                                                        Monkey Fist Frame           273   Projects                    377
                      Japanese Crane Knot         367   Monkey Fist, Admiralty Pattern  275  Projects:  Beach Chair   378
                      Japanese Dragonfly Knot     366   Monkey Fist, Burrhus 14-face   276  Projects:  Camera Lanyard   378
                      Japanese Knots              366   Monkey Fist, Double         276   Projects:  Cufflinks        379
                      Jute                         12   Monkey Fist, Double, Ashley       Projects:  Dog Chew toy     380
                                                           #2206                    276   Projects:  Mother’s Day Gift   380
                      Ken Elliott, UK             130   Monkey Fist, Double,              Projects:  Pet Comb Hanger   381
                      Knitting dolly braiding      64      Ashley #2207             278   Projects:  Recycled Hangers   382
                      Knittle – how to make it     18   Monkey Fist, Modified #2206   277  Projects:  Tree Decoration   382
                      Knob Coverings              297   Monkey Fist, Single         272   Projects:  Yacht Wheel Marker   383
                      Knob Knots                  272   Multi-Strand Star Knots     192   Prolong Mat                  39
                      Korean Chick Knot           351                                     Purely Decorative Knots     156
                      Korean Chrysanthemum Knot  348    Narrowboat fenders          131   Pusher                       21
                      Korean Double Connection          Near Square Mat              34
                         Knot                     347   Needle-nose pliers           21   Ring Hitch for Netting      209
                      Korean Dragonfly Knot       355   Netting and Woven Knots     201   Rose Knot, Blue             169
                      Korean Ginger knot          350   Netting, Carrick Knots      204   Rose Knot, Captain Whitney   177
                      Korean Knots                346   Netting, Celtic Knots       205   Rose Knot, Double Matthew
                      Korean Lotus Bud Knot       357   Netting, Half Hitches       208     Walker                    171
                      Korean One Mind Knot        358   Netting, Ring Hitch         209   Rose Knot, Esparteiro       181
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