Page 397 - Lindsey Philpott "The Ultimate Book of Decorative Knots"
P. 397
bibliography 391
Author Title Publisher Date
richir, gabriel l’appel du large Musee Industriel de la Corderie 2008
rosenow, Frank Canvas and rope Craft for the W. W. Norton and Company 1987
Practical Boat owner
rosenthal, Ed Hemp Today Quick american archives 1994
salmeri, alessandro Como Hacer Nudos De Vecchi 2007
sang lan, Kim Decorative Knot Craft David and Charles 2006
schevill, Margot Blum, Janet Textile Traditions of Mesoamerica and University of Texas Press 1991
Catherine Berlo and Edward the andes
B. Dwyer eds
silver, lynette Making Friendship Bands Milner Dodgem Books 1994
simmons, Denni and glen, Macramé Elegance Macramé Elegance, Provo, Utah 1975
with Doreene and Clint
simpson, J.a. and E.s.C. The Compact oxford English Clarendon Press 1994
Weiner, preparers Dictionary, New Edition
smith, Hervey garrett The Marlinespike sailor John de graff Inc. 1981
sondheim, Erich Knoten, spleisen, Takeln Verlag Klasing & Co. 1953
steinke, robert H. Harness-Making; a step-by-step guide J.a. allen 2004
steven, g.a. Nets – How to Make, Mend, and read Country Books 2005
Preserve Them
sunset Books editors Macramé Techniques and Projects lane Publishing Co. 1975
svensson, sam as translated Handbook of seaman’s ropework granada Publishing 1983
by Inger Imrie
Woodcock, Thomas and John The oxford guide to Heraldry oxford University Press 1988
Martin robinson
Zischka, Ulrike stickmustertucher staatliche Museen PreuBischer 1978