Page 27 - 高年級 eSTAR 7 備課用書
P. 27

Unit 1
              差異化教學活動建議:超級導遊   €̙ภৣᕚࢫΈဿ Unit 1 ኪ୦ఊԴ͜

              1. ਗ਼Όफኪ͛˸˜ମሯʱଡ଼™(Heterogeneous Grouping) ٙ˙όʱމᅰଡ଼f
              2. ઺ࢪ৪ͪὁ੭ჯኪ͛ል୦਷࢕Τ၈f
              3. ሗ΢ʃଡ଼ݼɓЗ˾ڌפ̈ɓੵὁdὁɪٙ਷࢕уމ༈ʃଡ଼΂ਕٙ˴ᕚf
              4. ʃଡ଼ኪ͛ԱኽפՑٙ਷࢕ʝ޴ΥЪҁϓɓੵ˜਷࢕तЍྡ™d˸ː౽ྡ (mind map) ٙ
              5. ਷࢕तЍྡʕც̍ўٙʫ࢙j
               a. ˾ڌ̹۬

               b. ٝΤήᅺ
               c. ഹΤ࠮يאਗಔي
                               Night Market                                         ̨̏ 101
                                                                                   Taipei 101

                                   ̨ʕ                                   ̨̏
                                Taichung                               Taipei

                    ˄ජჳ                                                               ޜम̲঩
                   suncake                          Taiwan                         bubble milk tea

              6. ઺ࢪԚൖʃଡ଼ݺਗًرdԨቇࣛഗʚܸኬfɰ̙ሗኪ͛л͜ሙܝࣛගҁϓd׵ɨϣɪ
              7. ΢ଡ଼ҁϓܝdሗӊଡ଼ቃݴɪ̨ʧୗ༈਷ٙतЍdԷνjDo you want to visit Taiwan?
                Taiwan is a beautiful island. You can visit Taipei 101 in Taipei. You must try some
                bubble milk tea. It’s really good. You can go to Taichung to buy some suncakes.
                You can also go to Fenjia Night Market. There are lots of delicious foods in the night
                market. You can have a lot of fun in Taiwan!f
              8. ΢ଡ଼೯ڌҁܝdሗӊЗኪ͛੽΢ଡ଼ணࠇٙ਷࢕तЍྡʕ፯̈ɓࡈІʉ௰ซՑ຅ή༷ࣚ

              9. ઺ࢪ̙ൖफॴኪً͛رdʱৣഗʔΝ೻ܓኪ͛ʔΝʈЪf೻ܓʱৣܔᙄνɨj
                ººº ਿᓾj೥̈ɓЇՇࡈ༈਷࢕ٙٝΤήᅺא࠮يf
                ººº ʕචj೥̈אᄳ̈ɓЇՇࡈ༈਷࢕ٙٝΤήᅺא࠮يdԨᔊ೵ʧୗf
                ººº ආචj೥̈אᄳ̈ɚЇɧࡈ༈਷࢕ٙٝΤήᅺe࠮يאਗಔيdԨɪ̨ʧୗf

             五   回家作業
              ሗኪ͛Ϋ࢕˸ CD€אኪ͜ཥɿࣣᛓᛘሙ͉ୋ 7-8 ࠫdᆞ઄ఊοʿ̩ۨf

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