Page 30 - 高年級 eSTAR 7 備課用書
P. 30

一   暖身活動    5 分鐘
        1. ઺ࢪၾኪ͛ʝ޴͂םխdԷνjT: Hi, everyone. Ss: Hello, Miss/Ms./Mr.       .
            T: How are you doing? Ss: I’m doing well. / I’m doing wonderful. / Great!f

        2. ઺ࢪ̙ൖኪ͛೻ܓ໾̂Չ˼םխ͜ႧdԷνjPretty good!€λ฽əleCouldn’t be better.
          €੽ԸӚவჿλfeI’m doing OK.€Ңͦۃɓʲᒔʔ፹ff
        3. 單字複習:
           a. ઺ࢪᅧ׳݂ԫኬᛘࠪᏦ€ሗԴ͜ཥɿࣣdሗኪ͛˺୚୩ᛓf
           b. ሗኪ͛˺୚ᝈ࿀ሙ͉ୋ 9-10 ࠫྡ˪ઋྤdႭ̈ྡ˪ʕה̈ତٙ਷࢕Τ၈ʿ޴ᗫيۜf
              1 the UK: fish and chips ގ௡ᑠૢeEarl Grey tea Ьᐌ঩
              2 Canada: maple syrup ไጟᆉ

              3 Korea: kimchi ظൄ
              4 Japan: nigiri sushi ౥ྪ̡
              5 Taiwan: pineapple cakes ჾૣඍ
              6 the USA: hot dogs ᆠَ
              7 Thailand: handmade bags ˓Ъ̍efigurines ʃ෧྅
              8 Australia: toy koala bears ೌ҈ဤ̺ਅ

        二   故事教學   20 分鐘           CD1 17-18
        Story Time

        1. ઺ࢪᅧ׳ CD€אᅧ׳ཥɿࣣdሗኪ͛˺୚୩ᛓ݂ԫ࿁༑f
        2. ᛓҁܝdˏኬኪ͛Ⴍ̈הᛓՑ݂ٙԫ࿁༑ʕٙࠠᓃ̩ɿdאᔊ׸Ⴍ̈࿁༑݂ԫɽจ

        3. ઺ࢪ̙͜ਪᕚˏኬኪ͛Ⴍ݂̈ԫɽจfਪᕚˏኬᇍԷj
           1 What are Prince Bruce and Fred eating at the market? (They’re eating pineapple cakes.)
           2 Can Prince Bruce bake cakes or cookies? (No, he can’t.)
           3 Where’s John Smith from? (He’s from Canada.)

           4 Does Prince Bruce like the maple cookies? Why? (No, he doesn’t. They’re too sweet.)
           5 Where’s Maruko from? (She’s from Japan.)
           6 Does Fred like the matcha rice cakes? Why? (No, he doesn’t. They’re too sticky.)

           7 Which dessert does Prince Bruce like most? (Miss Wu’s pineapple cakes.)
           8 Where can Prince Bruce and Fred find Miss Wu? (They can find her in Taiwan.)
        4. ઺ࢪ੭ჯኪ͛ቡᛘ݂ԫdႭ׼̩จdᜫኪ͛ə༆݂ԫʫ࢙f€ሗਞϽۃࠫ઺ኪႭ׼
        5. 聽單字:€̙મʱଡ଼אࡈɛ
           a. ሗኪ͛ਗ਼ሙ͉ϗৎd઺ࢪΎϣᅧ׳ CDdሗኪ͛Ύᛓɓϣ݂ԫ࿁༑f

           b.  ሗኪ͛া፽ɨ݂ԫʕה̈ତٙఊʩ਷࢕Τ၈jCanadaeKoreaeJapaneTaiwanf
           c.  ঐ͍ᆽᄳ̈௰ε࿁༑ʕה̈ତ਷࢕Τ၈ٙʃଡ଼ᐏ௷f
        6. ሗኪ͛͂කሙ͉d઺ࢪᅧ׳ CDdሗኪ͛༧ᛘ࿁༑̩ɿԨΝࣛ͜˓ܸܸഹ݂ԫ࿁༑˖οf

        7. ઺ࢪΎϣ੭ਮ݂ԫ࿁༑dԨሗኪ͛ίࣦᛘࣛءจႧंeႧሜձᑊࠪڌઋ඲༧ഹ݂ԫઋྤձ˴ԉ
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