Page 86 - 高年級 eSTAR 7 備課用書
P. 86
一 暖身活動 5 分鐘
1. ࢪၾኪ͛ʝ͂םխdԷνjT: Hi, everyone. Ss: Hello, Miss/Ms./Mr. .
T: How are you doing? Ss: I’m doing well. / I’m doing wonderful. / Great!f
2. ࢪ̙ൖኪ͛ܓ̂Չ˼םխ͜ႧdԷνjPretty good!λəleCouldn’t be
better.ԸӚவჿλfeI’m doing OK.Ңͦۃɓʲᒔʔ፹ff
3. 單字複習:
a. ࢪᅧ׳݂ԫኬᛘࠪᏦሗԴ͜ཥɿࣣdሗኪ͛˺୩ᛓf
b. ሗኪ͛˺ᝈ࿀ሙ͉ୋ 41 ࠫྡ˪ઋྤdႭ̈ྡ˪ʕ Miss Wu ٙ˚੬ЪࢹࣛගdԨ˸
ୋɓɛ၈ (I) ி̩dԷνjI get up at 4:30.eI go to the bakery at 5:30.eI go to school
at 7:30.f
二 故事教學 20 分鐘 CD2 4-5
Story Time
1. ࢪᅧ׳ CDאᅧ׳ཥɿࣣdሗኪ͛˺୩ᛓ݂ԫ࿁༑f
2. ᛓҁܝdˏኬኪ͛Ⴍ̈הᛓՑ݂ٙԫ࿁༑ʕٙࠠᓃ̩ɿdאᔊႭ̈࿁༑݂ԫɽจf
3. ࢪ̙͜ਪᕚˏኬኪ͛Ⴍ݂̈ԫɽจfਪᕚˏኬᇍԷj
1 Where is Miss Wu on Monday morning? (She’s at school.)
2 Is Miss Wu at the bakery at 8:00? (No. She has English class at 8:00.)
3 What time does Miss Wu come to the bakery in the morning? (She comes to the bakery
at 5:30.)
4 Can Miss Wu teach Prince Bruce how to bake? (Yes, she can.)
5 What should Prince Bruce do first to bake pineapple cakes? (He should learn how to
cut pineapples.)
6 Is making pineapple cakes easy? (No, it isn’t.)
7 What time does Miss Wu have dinner? (She has dinner at 8:00.)
8 How can Prince Bruce become a good baker? (He has to get up early and work hard.)
9 What time do Prince Bruce and Fred get up? (They get up at 4:30.)
4. ࢪ੭ჯኪ͛ቡᛘ݂ԫdႭ̩จdᜫኪ͛ə༆݂ԫʫ࢙fሗਞϽۃࠫኪႭ
5. 聽單字:̙મʱଡ଼אࡈɛ
a. ሗኪ͛ਗ਼ሙ͉ϗৎdࢪΎϣᅧ׳ CDdሗኪ͛Ύᛓɓϣ݂ԫ࿁༑f
b. ሗኪ͛াɨ݂ԫʕה̈ତٙఊʩ˚੬ЪࢹΤ၈jget upego to schoolehave dinnere
go to bedf
c. ঐ͍ᆽᄳ̈௰ε࿁༑ʕה̈ତఊʩ˚੬ЪࢹΤ၈ٙʃଡ଼ᐏ௷f
6. ሗኪ͛͂කሙ͉dࢪᅧ׳ CDdሗኪ͛༧ᛘ࿁༑̩ɿԨΝࣛ͜˓ܸܸഹ݂ԫ࿁༑˖οf
7. ࢪΎϣ੭ਮ݂ԫ࿁༑dԨሗኪ͛ίࣦᛘࣛءจႧंeႧሜձᑊࠪڌઋ༧ഹ݂ԫઋྤձ