Page 90 - 高年級 eSTAR 7 備課用書
P. 90

B. Write and Say


        1.  ਗ਼Όफʱމᅰଡ଼dӊଡ଼΢ݼɓЗ˾ڌɪ̨f
        2.  ઺ࢪண֛஝ۆdԷνjም௰Ϙeም௰ૉd઺ࢪ౤ਪd˾ڌԱҏႭ̈ІʉٙЪࢹࣛගdԷνj
            T: What time do you get up?

          S1: I get up at 6:50.
          S2: I get up at 7:10.
            T: Who’s the person that gets up the earliest?
        3.  Ա஝ۆdৎґࣛග௰Ϙٙʃଡ଼ᐏ௷f

        4. ̙ᜊ౬஝ۆjࣛග௰ૉא௰ટڐݔɓࣛගٙʃଡ଼ᐏ௷f

        四   句型教學 2    20 分鐘           CD2   8

        1.  ઺ࢪ΋ίලؐɪ൨ɪ̩ۨૢ  What time does she do her homework?    She does her
           homework at 7:30. dл͜ఊοὁ  get up    go to school    go home    do my homework

           have dinner    take a shower    go to bed  ᇖ୦d઺ࢪ੭ਮ̩ɿdሗኪ͛༧ᛘf
        2. Ա Pattern 1 ݺਗ B ʱଡ଼dሗ఻ଡ଼ኪ͛ɪ̨dΌफ˸̩ۨ౤ਪd̨ɪኪ͛Ⴍ̈࿁˙ٙЪࢹ

           Ss: What time does Ben get up?
          S1: He gets up at 7:00.
           Ss: What time does Ben go to school?
          S1: He goes to school at 7:30.

        3. ᇖ୦ᅰϣd̙ഗʚ˴ਗɪ̨Ϋഈٙኪ͛ᆤᎸf

        五   聽說練習 2   20 分鐘

        Look and Say
        1. ሗኪ͛ᔕЇሙ͉ Pattern 2 ࠫࠦd˺୚޶ Ben ձ Kim ٙ˚੬Ъࢹڌf

        2. ਗ਼ኪ͛ʱމՇɛɓଡ଼dՇɛԱ๫ Ben ձ Kim ٙ˚੬ЪࢹڌቃݴආБਪഈfᇍԷνɨj
           S1: What time does Ben have dinner?
           S2: He has dinner at 6:40.
           S3: What time does Kim take a shower?

           S1: She takes a shower at 5:50.
        3. ઺ࢪ̙ൖኪ͛ኪ୦ًرd໾̂Չ˼˚੬Ъࢹఊοj

           1 brush my teeth          Տ˫          2 get dressed           ౬В؂
           3 brush/comb my hair      ࣰ᎘ቻ         4 take out the trash    ࡀչѫ
           5 do the dishes           ݹມᆵ         6 do the laundry        ݹВ؂
           7 watch TV                ޶ཥൖ         8 surf the Internet     ɪၣ

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