Page 95 - 高年級 eSTAR 7 備課用書
P. 95
Unit 3
4. 延伸教學:ࢪ˸ਪᕚˏኬኪ͛ቡᛘ˖dᓘ՟˖ʕՉ˼ٙɛيᗫ༟ৃfਪᕚᇍԷνɨj
1 Is Sandy the writer of this essay? (No, she isn’t. Her friend is.)
2 Where is Sandy from? (She’s from the USA.)
3 How does Sandy go to school? (She goes to school by car.)
4 How does Sandy go home? (She goes home by school bus.)
5 Does Sandy have art class at 4:30? (No, she doesn’t. She rides her bike at 4:30.)
5. ᐼഐjਗ਼ኪ͛ʱމᅰଡ଼dሗଡ଼˸ટɢ˙όࣦᛘҁ˖dאሗኪ͛ɪ̨ࣦᛘf
四 回家作業
1. ሗኪ͛ҁϓ୦Ъୋ 45-46 ̩ࠫۨʿ˖ͷᄳᇖ୦f
2. ሗኪ͛Ϋ˸ CDאཥɿࣣᛓᛘሙ͉ୋ 39-50 ࠫdᆞ͉ሙʫ࢙f