Page 97 - 高年級 eSTAR 7 備課用書
P. 97
Unit 3 52
Unit 3
B Listen and Circle 2 15
1 2 3 4 ar:
form sharp card born arm, bar, bark, barn, card, cart, charm,
farm shape cord barn chart, dark, far, hard, harm, harp, part,
shark, sharp, smart, star, start, yard, yarn
C Listen and Read 2 16
Andy and Joy go to the park. born, cord, cork, dorm, ford, form, fort,
“Look! There's a magic show.” horn, lord, norm, porch, port, scorch, short,
sort, stork, storm, sword, torch, torn, worn
Joy brings a jar of candy.
Andy buys some popcorn
from the lady.
The clown turns the popcorn
into a car.
They enjoy the show.
三 發音教學 2 10 分鐘 CD2 13-14
1. ࢪਗ਼ or ೯ࠪԷο fork corn pork ᄳίලؐɪdԨሗኪ͛༧ਮf
2. ሗɓЗኪ͛ɪ̨dࢪΎਮɓϣ೯ࠪԷοdሗ̨ɪኪ͛ਗ਼οʕ೯ [cr] ٙο͎ਸ਼ৎԸdԷνj
fork corn pork f
3. ࢪ੭ਮ೯ࠪ or [cr]dኪ͛༧ਮdᆽႩኪ͛ޫঐᛓ፫ʿਮᛘ೯ࠪf
4. ࢪ৪ͪ೯ࠪὁdˏኬኪ͛˸೯ࠪۆܳਮఊοdԷνj[cr], [cr], pork i[cr], [cr], corni
[cr], [cr], pork dᆽႩኪ͛ޫঐਮ͍̈ᆽٙ೯ࠪf
5. ࢪᅧ׳ CDאཥɿࣣdሗኪ͛ᛓɓཁ೯̩ࠪdΎ༧ഹ CD ਮɓཁf
1. ࢪ௪ Unit 2-Unit 3 ೯ࠪὁʿྡ̔dል୦೯ࠪۆʿ೯ࠪοf
2. ࢪܸ֛ɓ೯ࠪۆމήཤdԷνjor [cr]f
3. Όफৎͭdࢪ৪ͪ೯ࠪ̔dኪ͛ਮ̈೯ࠪοf߰༾ՑୌΥήཤ೯ࠪۆٙఊοdኪ͛
4. ࢪ̙ൖሙੀࣛගӔ֛༷ᏕϣᅰdԨ༷Ꮥ௰ܝᆤᎸʥ१ͭٙኪ͛f