Page 3 - Lawyer Copy of Final Version MPRC COLLATERAL OPTION 4 (8.5 × 11 in) (1)_Neat
P. 3

OPTION  1- Insurance Company

   Objective :  Delay-Deny-Defend

   What they do

        Adjusting decisions that minimize your claim and their financial risk
        Misled by asserting that they will only pay the lowest cost
        Use delay tactics to either deny the claim  or to apply economic pressure

        Use a team of loyal vendors to document and defend their value position

   Why it does NOT work

       They control the     You determine      They use their         Lack of           Conflict of         Ambiguity
        claims process     the cost of your      economic          transparency        Interest - PV      regarding your
         by directing       claim, not your     advantage to       and honesty        signed contract       contractual
       their vendors to        insurer         your detriment                        with both insurer      rights and
        minimize scope                                                                 and insured        responsibilities

    Your outcome

     Denied Claim      Significant    ALE or LOI      Incomplete        Frustration         Loss of       Financial
       or Partial        Delays       Payments         or Inferior          and            Home or           Ruin
        Covered                        Stopped       Workmanship Helplessness              Business

                                                                     Shortcut result:

                                                  Your Property


                                                                        50%              LESS in

                                                                               your property resale value

                                                                          You are still not made whole.  Why

                                                                        leave 50% of your investment money

                                                                                      on the table?
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