Page 28 - ATBH2023 - Doha Qatar - Sergio König Presentation Interdisciplinary
P. 28
About Intellectual Property
The regulations in force in Chile regarding the right to intellectual property of content shared on online platforms
indicate that it is advisable to consider that:
◼ Law No. 17,336 on Intellectual Property protects all kinds of works, including lectures, speeches, lessons,
memoirs, commentaries and works of the same nature (Article 3 No. 2), both in oral form and in their written or
recorded versions.
◼ Likewise, articles 7 and 8 address the ownership of the right to the author of the work and states that the person
who appears as the owner at the time of disclosure of the work is presumed to be the author, as long as there is
no proof to the contrary. In this sense, the lessons (even those disseminated digitally) belong to the professor who
teaches them, without prejudice to the fact that the University may have a right as a secondary holder in the cases
that are expressly indicated.
◼ Finally, article 71 D states that "Lectures given in institutions of higher education, colleges and schools may be
annotated or collected in any form by those to whom they are addressed, but they may not be published, in whole
or in part, without the authorization of their authors." This means that students who eventually publish Prohibida la reproducción total o parcial de este material sin hacer mención a la fuente © Copyright 2019
professors' lectures (in a good or bad way) would be violating the teachers' property rights over them.
◼ We hope that this information contributes to the protection of the rights of all the people who participate in this
modality of virtual classes and in particular with respect to these materials prepared by the teacher.
Contenidos y materiales docentes del Dr. Sergio A. König © 2022-2023