Page 4 - ClubLife Weekly 062122 (1)
P. 4
Note from the
General Manager
- June 17, 2022 -
Dear Members,
It has been a great two and a half years here at the
Corpus Christi Country Club. I have enjoyed my time
getting to know each of you. This will be my last
ClubLife note as my family and I leave the following
weekend to Michigan. The Club will be in great
hands after my departure and I trust the
department heads will be fully capable of keeping
the club running until a new GM is found. Thank you
all for your hospitality and kindness you have shown
me while here. It has been a pleasure being your GM.
I hope to get to say bye to many of you before I
leave, but if not possible I wish you all well.
Owen Dougherty, CCM
361.991.2811 ext. 102