Page 8 - ClubLife Weekly 062122 (1)
P. 8


        G A R L I C   C O N F I T


            1 Pint Garlic, stem end

            Enough neutral oil to just
            barely cover the garlic


       In a small pot that is just big enough to
       hold the garlic, cover with oil and place

       over low heat on the stove. It is important                                       Notes
       to not let the oil get too hot or you risk
                                                                                         Garlic Confit, is a staple
       burning the oil. Let the garlic simmer on
                                                                                         in my kitchen. Extremely
       low for 20-30 minutes. You want to see                                            versatile, delicious, and

       the smallest bubbles just breaking the                                            easy to make. Make a
                                                                                         good-sized batch
       surface. Once the garlic is pale and is
                                                                                         because it will hold well.
       easily pierced with a knife it is ready.                                          The beauty of this

       Allow to cool completely and then store in                                        method is that you end
                                                                                         up with two ingredients
       the refrigerator. Remove garlic cloves as
                                                                                         from one recipe. Use the
       needed. Just maintain a layer of oil over                                         confit in marinades,
                                                                                         sauces, dressings,
       the garlic. The garlic confit will hold under
                                                                                         butters and especially
       refrigeration for several weeks.                                                  in mashed potatoes.
                                                                                         The garlic oil Is great in
                                                 Executive Chef                          vinaigrettes, dressings,
                                                                                         marinades or drizzled
                                                 Harold Ramos                            on as finishing oil.
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