Page 6 - July August v3(11)
P. 6


                                            E X E C U T I V E   C H E F :   H A R O L D   R A M O S

                                                                         In a large bowl combine the following ingredients:
           H A R O L D   R A M O S
           E X E C U T I V E   C H E F ,   C C   C O U N T R Y   C L U B
                                                                           Core your tomatoes and chop  into quarters
                                                                           Peel cucumber and cut into chunks
           With the temperatures rising, a great way to beat the heat
                                                                           Cut pepper in half,  remove core and seeds. Chop into large
           is with a chilled soup like Gazpacho. Summer is the perfect time  pieces
           to make this Spanish treasure because the main ingredient       Cut the watermelon into large chunks,  discard seeds
           (tomatoes) are at their peak season for flavor and variety.     Slice  garlic and drizzle with sherry and red wine vinegar
                                                                           Mix ingredients well, add  salt to taste
           This version ramps up the seasonality by the addition of        Marinate in refrigerator overnight
           Watermelon. This recipe is versatile and can be revamped by     The following day, combine  marinated vegetables in
                                                                            blender and puree until smooth. Drizzle in olive oil
           using other seasonal melons and heirloom varieties of tomato.
                                                                           Strain the soup into a pitcher
           When choosing an olive oil, go with a high-quality extra virgin
                                                                           Store covered in refrigerator until ready to serve
           variety. The higher quality olive oil will lend a herbaceous and
           fruity component that inferior oils lack.                     Watermelon Gazpacho:  Makes 1 qt

                                                                         1 pound ripe watermelon, flesh only  2 garlic cloves, peeled
           Make this recipe as an afternoon snack or prepare it for an   2 pounds ripe red tomatoes  3/4 cup Spanish extra-virgin olive oil
           elegant dinner party. Gazpacho is a recipe that is both       8 ounces cucumber        Salt to taste
           versatile and delicious.                                      3 ounces green pepper
                                                                         1 tablespoon sherry vinegar
                                                                         1 tablespoon red wine vinegar
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