Page 31 - ClubLife Weekly 090922
P. 31

G R O U N D S   S U P E R I N T E N D E N T

                                                   S E T H   S M I T H


                                                  Dear Members,

            The golf course received another 5” of rain over the past week,

          totaling around 15” in the past 3 ½ weeks. The sprigs continue to

         grow-in rapidly with all of the rainfall. We are hoping the forecast
        holds true with drier weather over the next week, as that will allow

            us to catch up on mowing new fairways and approaches, and
       continue fertilizing fairways on a weekly basis. The greens are filling

             in nicely with weekly fertilizer applications, and they will be

               requiring a 1st mowing very soon. Please enjoy the photos
                                         highlighting the progress.
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