Page 8 - ClubLife Weekly 070822
P. 8


        B R O W N   B U T T E R


           1 stick of unsalted butter, diced


         1. In a heavy bottomed pan, add the diced butter and
          cook over medium high heat.
        2. The butter will begin to foam and then subside.
        3. Carefully keep stirring/whisking the butter until you                         Notes
          see light brown specs appear at the bottom of the
                                                                                         Taking regular butter
        4. The butter will begin to smell nutty.
                                                                                         and transforming it
        5. Once you see the butter take on a light brown
                                                                                         into something more
          appearance remove it from the heat.
        6. There is a fine line between brown butter and burnt                           savory and nuanced
          butter. It may take some trial and error before you                            in flavor is a secret
          make it perfectly.                                                             weapon we utilize in
        7. Pour the butter into a container and store in in the                          the kitchen. Typically
          refrigerator for up to a month.                                                known as Beurre
        8. The butter can then be utilized in any application
                                                                                         Noisette, the French
          that requires butter.
                                                                                         word for hazelnut
                                                                                         butter. It is named
                                                                                         after its nutty hazelnut
                                                                                         aroma. Brown butter

                                                                                         is great in pastas,
                                                 Executive Chef                          sauces and even in

                                                                                         pastries and ice
                                                 Harold Ramos                            creams.
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