Page 14 - 071321 ClubLife
P. 14
Tees: 18 Hole Participants Age Divisions and Tees:
(tee times 1:30 PM) Men: Blue Tees
9 Hole Participants Women: Red Tees
(tee times 3:00 PM) Boys 15-18: Blue Tees (18 Holes)
6 Hole Participants Girls 15-18: Red Tees (18 Holes)
(tee times 4:00 PM) Boys 12-14: Red Tees (18 Holes)
Girls 12-14: Blue Cones/Red Tees
Format: 2 Person Modified Scotch: on Par 3’s (18 Holes)
Both players tee off, Player A hits Boys 9-11: Yellow cones/Red
Player B’s ball and Player B hits Tees on Par 3’s (9 Holes)
Player A’s ball on the second shot.
Pick the best ball and alternate in Girls 9-11: Yellow Cones/Red
from there. Gross Scoring. Juniors Tees on Par 3’s (9 Holes)
must have high school eligibility. Boys 8 and Under: Orange Cones
(6 Holes)
Rules: USGA Rules Apply Girls 8 and Under: Orange Cones
Maximum Score 9 (6 Holes)
Dinner after Play at 6:00 PM
Call Pro Shop to sign up!