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P. 15

JULY 20-21, 2021

                 JUNIOR CLUB

          C H A M P I O N S H I P

         Format: Individual Stroke Play.                                 Boys 15-18: Blue Tees

      Each player will play their own ball                                 (18 Holes each day)

      until it is holed out or max score is                               Girls 15-18: Red Tees

        reached. Players must have high                                    (18 Holes each day)
                   school eligibility.                                   Boys 12-14: Red Tees

        Age Divisions and Tees: Players                                    (18 Holes each day)

      will play from their respective tees.                      Girls 12-14: Blue Cones/Red tees
            Rules: USGA Rules Apply.                              on Par 3’s (18 Holes each day)

                                                                   Boys 9-11: Yellow Cones/Red

        Distance Measuring Devices are                             tees on Par 3’s (9 Holes each
     allowed. Bunkers for 8 and Under &                                                day)

           9-11: 2 stroke max. If players                           Girls 9-11: Yellow Cones/Red

        cannot get out of the bunker in 2                          tees on Par 3’s (9 Holes each

       strokes, players may take the ball                                              day)
       out of the bunker and drop to the                              Boys 8 and Under: Orange

                 side with no penalty.                                        Cones (6 Holes)

      Continuous Putting: 8 and Under &                               Girls 8 and Under: Orange
       9-11: Once a player starts putting,                                    Cones (6 Holes)

        he/she will continue putting until                        A player can declare up into an

                 the hole is finished.                                      older age division.
   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20