Page 33 - ClubLife Weekly 091622
P. 33

G R O U N D S   S U P E R I N T E N D E N T

                                                   S E T H   S M I T H


                                                     Dear Members,

         We have had some drier weather over the last week, which has allowed us to start
      catching up on much needed mowing. Most of the golf course we have been unable to
       mow over the last three weeks due to all of the rainfall. It is a process to get through
       the tall grass, so as we continue to mow the course a couple more times you will see
        less and less clippings as they disperse into the grass canopy. The fairway sprigs are
       growing so rapidly that we are having to use our rough mowers at 1.75” to mow them
       before we begin using our fairway units. Any areas in sod that have scalped from the
       mowers will all recover over the next week or 10 days with more consistent mowing.
      We mowed all of the new greens for the first time last week as well. The same concept

       applies to the greens as with the fairway sprigs: we will be mowing at higher heights
       than normal, and as the grass matures and fills in, we will be stepping down mowing
       heights until our desired height is reached. Please enjoy the photos highlighting the
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