Page 11 - Drinks On Me Catalog June 2021
P. 11


                                       SORRY I SLAPPED

              I whisper               YOU, BUT IT DIDN'T               I amuse                  So, how do I stop
           'what the f**k'             SEEM LIKE YOU'D              the shit out                 eating chips and
          to myself at least              EVER STOP                                             salsa? Do they run
         twenty times a day.                                          of myself                   out, or do I die,
                                         TALKING AND                                                 or what?
                                          I PANICKED

            What The Fuck                 Slapped You                    Amuse               Stop Eating Chips And Salsa
               1179 **                      1180 **                       1181                         1183

                                                                      Stop being                 Don’t try to tell
                                            I had my                  an asshole.
           Welcome to the               patience tested.                 There.                  me that hungry
              Shitshow                                                                          is not an emotion
                                          I’m negative.             Now I’m your               because I feel that
                                                                      life coach.                shit in my soul.

               Shitshow                   I’m Negative                  Life Coach                Shit In My Soul
                 1186                       1187                         1188 **                       1189

                                                                  Me: Beautiful dog you got there...
                Please.               I got called ‘pretty’ today!   Cop: Yessir, this is Diesel,    Kinda tired of having a “job”
          DO not invite me              Well actually the full        he’s our drug-sniffing dog...  and having to “go to work”
                                       statement was ‘you’re                                    and “pay bills.”
          to outside events.         pretty annoying’ But I only   Me: Still in training, huh?  Now accepting applications
          It’s hot and I’m fat.       focus on positive things.   Cop: what?                    for a sugar daddy.
                                                                  Me: what?

            Outside Events                Called Pretty               Drug Sniffing                Sugar Daddy
                 1190                        1159                         1161                         1164

          I’m 100% sure that I called                                                                For Sale:
            shotgun, why are you       What does it mean if                                         Parachute.
           shoving me in the back?     the holy water sizzles        I’m pretty sure my          Only used once,
                                      when it hits your skin?       dream job would be
            Yea I realize I’m being                                                               never opened,
           arrested but the rules of    Asking for a friend        Karma delivery person           small stain.
         shotgun are pretty clear, man.                                                             —Anonymous

               Shotgun                    Holy Water                 Karma Delivery                  Parachute
                 1165                       1167 **                       1145                         1147

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