Page 15 - Drinks On Me Catalog June 2021
P. 15
“Go make your bed! Today my child got dressed
I’ve already asked you!!” in nice clothes and said it Having a teenager
was picture day at their
school (their school of is like having a cat
“Why make my bed course is our kitchen table),
when I’m going to It was either a very sweet that only comes out
sleep in it tonight?” moment or the first sign that
the kid is starting to crack. to eat and hisses if
“Why feed you when Either way, I charged them you try to pet it.
you’re going to die?” 45 dollars for a 15 dollar
picture package.
Make Your Bed Picture Package Teenager/Cat Burn All Shit
1168 1136 1214 ** 1220
Remember the day
and before cellphones we When my kids say
had to call our friends when you’d tell your
“daddy, I want mommy” parents you were at a
*kids gasp* that’s their version of
“ I’d like to speak to sleepover, but you were
sometimes their parents really dying of alcohol
answered your supervisor”
poisoning in a field.
*one kid throws up*
Campfire Supervisor Alcohol Poisoning Mom Was Right
1222 1223 ** 1228 1235
Fruit Smoothie Orange Juice Put A Wine Glass I Get Awesome
1093 1095 ** 1085 1029
You Can Dance 8 Cups Water Step Out Of Car You Drinking?
1028 1026 1025 1024