Page 52 - principles of tourism marketing-1 (1)
P. 52

Sub-orbital  Space  Tourism:  this  was  the  beginning  of  space

                       tourism. The spacecraft launches with a substantial initial velocity

                       that pushes it out of the earth’s atmosphere. But this doesn’t throw

                       it entirely out of the gravitational sphere. The power is not enough

                       for orbiting, so it freefalls down once the engines are shut off.

                          -  Space Tourism cost

                       The cost of each sub-orbital trip on the Soyuz spacecraft is reported

                       to be 200,000-250,000 million U.S. dollars. Other trips carried out

                       by different organizations were priced around the same margin.

                       Virgin Galactic recently announced that each of their tickets would

                       cost 450,000 U.S.D. for the upcoming missions.

                          -  Space Tourism companies

                       Even though the industry is up and coming still, massive companies

                       are dominating the market. Space Adventures of Virginia, U.S.A,

                       was  the  first  successful  space  tourism  company.  Elon  Musk’s

                       SpaceX, Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic and Amazon C.E.O.

                       Jeff  Bezos’s  Blue  Origin  are  all  set  to  fully  launch  their  space

                       tourism  business  by  2022.  Blue  Origin  recently  conducted  their

                       debut flight with Jeff Bezos. Oliver Daemen and Wally Funk were

                       the world’s youngest and oldest men in space, respectively.

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