Page 66 - 영문 이성필성지순례여행
P. 66

64                                               Gyeonggi-do                        Gyeonggi-do                                                 65

                        49  Suwon Dongshin Church                                                                     50  Jeam Church

                             116 Maehyang-dong, Paldal-gu, Suwon-si\                                        50 Jeam-gil, Hyangnam-eup, Hwaseong-si

                                                                                                                                       Jeam Church
                                             Suwon Dongshin Church is said to be
                                             the oldest church in Suwon. A Japanese                                                         “Because of him, Jeam-ri
            “I am also Japanese. Therefore, I want
                                             missionary named “Masayasu Norimatsu”                                                          has been remembered … ”
              to let you know the spirit of Christ.
                                             moved to Suwon in August 1900 to preach
              Those who rise with the sword will
                                             the gospel, and in 1909, a new assembly
            perish by the sword. Do you think the
                                             site was built in Maehyang-dong, Suwon-
             power of arms can oppress Joseon?
                                             si, and the name of the building was
                 It's a foolish mindset …. .”
                                             Seongseogangdang. After that, he preached
                                             the gospel in Suwon, centering around
                                             He was regarded as the first overseas
                                                                                                                                          A British missionary Frank W. Schofield
                                             missionary in the history of Japanese
                                                                                                                                          rushed to the scene, photographed the
                                             Protestantism. Unlike other Japanese, it was                                                 vivid tragedy, and wrote a report on
                                             said that Norimatsu wore hanbok, lived                                                       the reality of the Jeam-ri and Suchon-
                                                                                                                                          ri massacres which included witness
                                             in a Korean style of tableware and home,                                                     testimony, and sent it to the United
                                             and taught his children Korean instead of             monuments honoring the 29 victims      States.
                                             Japanese. He died in Japan in 1921 and was
            Monument of the first Japanese missionary,   buried in Gwanggyosan, and a monument     Jeam Church was founded in 1905. The church started at a house of Ahn Jong-hu, a villager
            Masayasu Norimatsu               was built by his followers. The monument is           who received gospel from missionary Appenzeller. In 1911, as the number of believers
                                             currently built inside the Dongshin Church            increased, an 8-room thatched chapel was established. However, there were no pastors
                                             in Suwon. The building was newly built but            yet to settle, so pastors from nearby Suchon Church and Namyang Church toured and took
                                             it did not retain its original appearance.            care of the church. The reason why Jeam Church is widely known in the Korean church is
                                                                                                   because of the March 1st Movement. When the movement took place, believers of the Jeam
                                                                                                   Church climbed the mountain behind the village every night from March 15 to light the
                                                                                                   beacon and continued Man-se demonstration.
                                                                                                   On March 31 and April 5, villagers marched to the Balan Market and took part in a
                                                                                                   demonstration for the independence. At this time, there was a conflict with the Japanese
                                                                                                   police, and when the Japanese police officer died, the Japanese police caused a
                                                                                                   terrible Jeamri massacre. On April 15, they lied to gather villagers into the chapel, shot
                                                                                                   indiscriminately, sprayed oil, and set fire, and killed 23 members of the Jeamri Church.
                                                                                                   Among them, 21 people were male believers. In addition, six people were killed in Gosu-ri,
                                                                                                   a neighboring village, and a total of 29 people were killed. If you go to Jeam Church, there
                                                                                                   is a memorial tower for martyrdom built by President Syngman Rhee’s handwriting. In
                                                                                                   addition, there is a memorial hall for the martyrdom of the March 1st Movement where you
                        Suwon Dongshin Church                                                      can see the tragedy at that time.
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