Page 7 - 영문 이성필성지순례여행
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A Letter of Recommendation | What do you see? Preface| Publishing the 3 edition of Christian Holy Sites Tour in Korea
Rev. Sung Pil Lee, a historical explorer, is not a ship anchored in the port. He is When people thought that pilgrimage was an overseas trip to holy sites mentioned
a ship that is constantly sailing. Even today, his voyage of exploration is advancing in the Bible taking money and time, I started to excavate, explore, and record the
forward splitting the waves. Korean national mission field with a history of 140 years that had not been found in
His exploration of the Christian missionary cultural heritage in Korea invites us to any other region, country, or ethnic group since the gospel was spread world widely.
the sites in multicultural dimension. The photos of 175 Christian historic sites and I wondered what motivated Korea to become a world mission center that spreads
backstories are a three-dimensional exploration of cultural heritage and the book is the gospel to the end of the earth and how the history of Korea mission has been
beyond a simple photo book. preserved.
Following his camera angle and listening to his honest explanation, you will be Realizing Korean churches are given a great mission of handling the mission field
amazed by his outstanding historical awareness, the architectural aesthetics, and the of the 21 century in this global IT era, I traveled around the Korean Peninsula with
artistic values. This book shows harmoniously exteriors and interiors of martyrdom a camera and a pen to find the root of evangelism and searched for missionaries'
sites, missionary memorials, history museums, and churches with the scent of ministries, self-sustaining churches, the footsteps of blooded martyrs, and local
Christian cultural heritage. As you can see the name of the book, this book is a evangelization. Further, I searched for the history of the beginning of the society
guide book for traveling to Christian holy sites in Korea. which contributed to cultural enlightenment, education, medical care, business, and
The author, Rev. Sung Pil Lee, is not only a photographer but also an artist. It is physical education etc.
wrong to limit him to the category of simple photographers. His point of view puts To share the impression and the grace that I felt to the Korean churches, the 1 st
the past, the present and the future into one frame and he is excellent at creating edition of ‘Tour with Faith’ which introduces 137 sites was published and thanks to
words of life in that fixed space. So his work is a living audiovisual message. the support of many pilgrims, the 2 edition including 153 sites was published.
The prophet Jeremiah was looking at a branch from an almond tree and a boiling As the 2 edition went out of print, republishing it was demanding. Taking this as
pot facing away from the north. ‘What do you see?’ God asked. Jeremiah told him an opportunity, I explored newly investigated 20 additional Christian sites and the 3 rd
what he saw. God said to him, ‘You have seen well, for I am watching to perform My edition was published under the title of ‘Christian Holy Sites Tour in Korea’ instead of
word. From the north disaster will be poured out on all who live in the land.’ God ‘Korea Pilgrimage Tour’ as it has sense of Catholicism.
who spoke to Jeremiah asks us again today, ’What do you see?’ Facing this question, Especially, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Elder Myung-soo Lee,
let’s explore the Christian culture and the historic sites of Christians in Korea with a the head of Sejul publishing company, for giving me great strength in both physical
kind guide, Rev. Sung Pil Lee. Let’s weigh the anchor of the great adventure to find and mental aspects so that I could publish the book.
the lost first love.
June 10 , 2008 In the summer of 2023 in Yeongjong do
Jong Gu Park | Publisher of Monthly Ministry Rev. Sung Pil Lee
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