Page 205 - OCTOBER 2020 AUCTION
P. 205

CHINA - REPUBLIC                             CHINA - REPUBLIC

 民国九年(1920)交通银行伍圆样票。哈尔滨地名  917  民国十六年(1927)交通银行五圆样票。天津地名
 915 Bank of Communications- Harbin 5 Yuan, 1.12.1920 (P-129s) Specimen, red serial number 000000  Bank of Communications- Tientsin 5 Yuan, 1.11.1927 (P-146Ds) Specimen, AU-UNC light foxing
 AU-UNC light foxing, annotation                                                                RM2,000 - 3,000
 RM4,600 - 6,000

               918  Bank of Communications- Tientsin 10 Yuan, 1.11.1927 (P-147Cs) Specimen, UNC light foxing, repaired
 916  民国九年(1920)交通银行拾圆样票。哈尔滨地名
 Bank of Communications- Harbin 10 Yuan, 1.12.1920 (P-130s) Specimen, red serial number 000000, UNC light foxing  RM2,000 - 3,000
 RM6,000 - 8,000

 202  Session Two  |  Sunday, October 18, 2020 at 10:00 AM MST  Bid Online at                   203
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