Page 207 - OCTOBER 2020 AUCTION
P. 207

CHINA - REPUBLIC                             CHINA - REPUBLIC

          920  China, 3 Rubles, Russo-Asiatic Bank-Harbin, 1917 (P-S475a)
               S/no.904082, PMG 64EPQ
                                               RM1,500 - 1,800      民国二十五年中国中央银行壹圆共两张
                                                               923 China, 1 Yuan, Central Bank of China, 1936 (P-216a)
                                                                    S/no.L/V 273730 ; 734, PMG 64, minor rust (2pcs)
                                                                                                       RM300 - 500

          921  China, 50 Customs Gold Units, Central Bank of China, 1930   民国二十五年中央银行伍圆
               (P-329) S/no.BD385554, PMG 58EPQ
                                                               924 China, 5 Yuan, Central Bank of China, 1936 (P-217)
                                                  RM140 - 400       S/no.E/F 645373V, AU-UNC light foxing
                                                                                                        RM80 - 200

                                                               925 China, 5 Yuan, Central Bank of China, 1937 (P-222)
 民国十六年(1927)交通银行美钞版国币券壹圆,伍圆,拾圆正,反单面印刷样票各一种                          S/no.L694110, AU-UNC light foxing
 919 均打孔并加盖“样本券”“Specimen”, 山东地名  民国二十五年中国中央银行壹圆共两张
 Bank of Communications-Shantung 1,5,10 Yuan, 1.11.1927 (P-145-147Bs) Face & Back Specimen, UNC light foxing  922  China, 1 Yuan, Central Bank of China, 1936 (P-211a)   RM360 - 500
               S/no.H382534 ; 382912, PMG 58EPQ (2pcs)
 RM5,000 - 9,000
                                                  RM260 - 500

 204  Session Two  |  Sunday, October 18, 2020 at 10:00 AM MST  Bid Online at                   205
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