Page 23 - HaMizrachi Chanukah 5784 North America
P. 23

and  religious convictions, embracing   interprets  gevurah as “overwhelming   Nonetheless, the Chashmona’im of old and
        Hashem with our choices, despite the   force” (Bereishit 7:18), a form of strength   the chayalim of today are bound together
        ongoing moral chaos and confusion that   and power the Jewish people could only   through their gevurah, their heroic will-
        has surrounded us.                  dream of during our long exile. But this   ingness to fight on behalf of Hashem, His
                                            form of gevurah is no longer a fantasy, and   people and His land. For this we recite al
        Chanukah, however, reveals a different
        dimension of gevurah, a form of heroism   the IDF’s reputation as a great military   haNissim.
                                            force is a constant source of pride for our
        from our distant historical past, “םיַ ּמְָּ�יַ ַ� בְּ   people.        When we sit at an Armored Corps swear-
        ם ֵה ַה,” which is re-emerging in our day, “ן ַמְְּ�ז ַ� בְּ            ing-in ceremony or see a proud young Jew
        ה ֶ�ז ַה.” It is the gevurah of the Chashmona’im.   Most importantly, the IDF’s purpose and   crossing the street in uniform, defending
        The Chashmona’im were Jews who became   guiding values express the deepest form   the land of our fathers, we are witness-
        heroes through their military initiative.   of gevurah. It represents the collective will   ing a modern Chanukah miracle – but not
        Hashem blessed their physical efforts with   of the Jewish people to stand together in   an unexpected one. Long ago, the rabbis
        success, and the Rambam highlights their   righteousness, to uphold our Divine values   promised us that the gevurah of Chanukah
        political victory as the reason for our cele-  even in the height of battle.  would one day shine forth again among
        bration of Chanukah today.                                              our people, “ה ֶ�ז ַה ן ַמְּ ְ�ז ַ� בְּ ם ֵה ַה םיַ ּמְָּ�יַ ַ� בְּ, as it was in
                                            The IDF’s mission dictates that “Soldiers of
        In the modern era we have witnessed   the IDF shall act according to the values of   those days, so it will be again in our time.”
                                                                                “ה ֶ�ז ַה ן ַמְּ ְ�ז ַל �וּנַ ָעיַ ּ�גְ ּה ְוּ �וּנַ ְמְַּ�יַ ּק ְוּ �וּנַָיַ ֱחַ ֶה ֶ ׁשַׂ,” Blessed are
        this gevurah in the soldiers in the IDF. A   the IDF and its commands, while abiding
        sparse group of courageous Jews formed   by the law, upholding human dignity, and   You Hashem, for the gift of seeing this
        this fighting force after the Holocaust   respecting the values of Israel as a Jewish   promise fulfilled, before our eyes!
        and overcame impossible odds; with their   and democratic state.” As Rav Avraham
        improbable victory over six Arab nations,   Yitzchak HaKohen Kook explained in his
        Hashem blessed them with the State of   note on the daily ה ָרַ�וּבְּ ְגְ ּ� בְּ ל ֵאֵ ָרַ ְשַּׂיַ רַ ֵזֹוּאֵ bless-
        Israel. Today we witness this gevurah in   ing: “This is the gevurah that is the bond
        young people who put their personal lives   of Israel, that is fitting for the ethically
        and aspirations on hold and dedicate years   pure foundation and elevated value of a
        of their lives to national service, in cha-  human being.”
        yalim who risk their lives by wearing a
        uniform that makes them a target of our   The members of the  Chashmonai clan,   Rabbi Reuven Brand
                                            whose individual and collective gevurah
        enemies. Many thousands of these heroic   we celebrate each Chanukah, are reborn in   is the Rosh Kollel of the YU Torah MiTzion
        young men and women have made the   our own time through the holy and heroic   Kollel, a community Torah institution with
        ultimate sacrifice, going up to the akeidah   soldiers of the IDF. Certainly, the legacy of   a vibrant Beit Midrash, array of creative
        of Yitzchak, the paradigm of gevurah, but                                 learning opportunities, unique women’s
        not returning from their journey.   the Chashmona’im is complicated, their   initiative and diverse outreach program-
                                            efforts did not produce complete redemp-  ming. He lives in Skokie, Illinois with his
        The IDF has revealed new dimensions of   tion and not every aspect of the IDF has   wife, Nechama, and their five children.
        gevurah within our nation. The Ramban   achieved Rav Kook’s spiritual vision.

                                                                                             (PHOTO: REFAEL AMAR/IDF SPOKESPERSON)
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