Page 27 - HaMizrachi Chanukah 5784 North America
P. 27

Tell  us more about the “Atufim” program and assistance   The global response to your initiatives has been remarkable.
        provided to evacuees from the North and South.        How has the partnership with World Mizrachi and the Tzevet
                                                              Perez Campaign contributed to your projects?
        Our “Atufim” program, in partnership with World Mizrachi, provides aid to
        evacuees from both the North and the South. The purpose of the program   We are immensely grateful to all our partners worldwide, especially to the
        is not only to address the physical needs of these families but just as   World Mizrachi movement. The partnership has been crucial in funding
        importantly give encouragement and chizuk on a communal level. These   life-saving equipment for IDF soldiers, adopting southern communities,
        are tight-knit communities that have experienced trauma on a personal   aiding evacuees, and extending educational support. Together, we stand
        level, and also in ways that have left their community feeling broken.  united, making a significant impact in the lives of those affected.

        Atufim offers several branches of assistance.         None of this would have been possible without the support of individuals
                                                              and communities worldwide, which have given us the ability to contribute
           1. Employment assistance:                          material  needs  where  they are  needed  and more  crucially is  instilling
             Atufim offers assistance in finding work for people who have been   a sense of unity and strength for the greater Am Yisrael. This is our
             displaced from their homes and are currently without a livelihood.   opportunity to embrace our brothers and sisters, and it is touching to see
             As an organization we have had experience with this most important   how so many are rallying together with us to bring hope and strength to
             task. La’Ofek’s “JobKatif” project helped thousands of displaced   Am Yisrael.
             families from Gush Katif in 2005 find work, transforming an 85%
             unemployment rate into an 88% employment rate. We have once   Our message is clear: when we are united, we are stronger. Together, we
             again stepped up to assist a similarly displaced population through   can make a lasting impact and demonstrate the resilience of Am Yisrael.
             Since we  started  the  Atufim  program  over  1,000  evacuee   For those ready to contribute, where  can they donate to
             applications have already been received and our staff is working   support these ongoing efforts?
             tirelessly to match them with employers.
                                                              To contribute and be a vital partner in this ongoing effort, please visit
           2. Adopt-a-Community:                     or email our development
             The Atufim program recognizes the necessity to strengthen the   department at Your  support is crucial,  and every
             communities, both in the short-term and to ensure the stability and   donation contributes to healing and rebuilding.
             unity in the long-term. The goal is for the communities to eventually   Thank you for standing with us in this sacred mission.
             return back home. In that vein, the Atufim program has “adopted” five
             communities to date: Netiv HaAsara, Kibbutz Zikim, Moshav Yachini,
             Shokeda, and Tzochar, each with 500–900 individuals. In order to
             connect and strategize, I personally meet with the leadership of the
             community to understand their unique needs because their needs
             and goals – while all urgent – vary greatly. Atufim is dedicated to SOS
             needs (purchase of equipment, medicines), assisting families that
             have been financially affected, and integration of programming that
             will help strengthen the social, educational and community fabric.
             We have turned to Jewish communities worldwide to adopt these
             communities and assist in various ways.

           3. Education:
             Thanks to Sulamot’s expertise in the educational field, the Ministry
             of Education asked the organization to help establish a system of
             training and learning in the evacuees’ centers. Sulamot sends rabbis,
             lecturers and instructors to these centers to give uplifting talks and
             experiential lessons to children, youth and parents. This empowers
             and strengthens their spirits in these most challenging days.

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