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P. 32

A Soldier’s Journal:

                              The First Shabbat in the War

                                                         Dvir Sassi

                         All day Friday we trained and did exercises that   with horrific scenes and terrible news. But we
                         were different from normal training. This time   must stand up and take revenge.
                         we understood the significance of the moment.   I want to strengthen the leadership of our city,
                         We were motivated, and we didn’t let the sun   Mayor Alon Davidi and his deputy, Elad Kalimi.
                         get us down. We didn’t need to say much to   Over the last week, I’ve heard from everyone
                         each other; we were all here for one purpose.
                                                                 about the holy work they are doing around the
                         Our daily schedule is very busy, from morning   clock to evacuate residents, visit the wounded
                         to night – training, training, and more train-  and to go to cemeteries to honor the fallen. Alon
                         ing. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining;   and Elad, you are our role models.
                         everyone here is working with joy and a smile.
                                                                 Even on Shabbat, we continue to train, to get
                         My beloved Shoham spoiled the entire company   comfortable with the armored vehicles and
                         with challah and schnitzel that made us all feel   tanks that are assigned to our company and to
                         at home. The gesture lifted our morale and   arrange the equipment to the best of our ability.
                         reminded everyone of the families for whom
                         we are fighting.                        From conversations with our company’s offi-
                                                                 cers, we realize that we are heading into a long
                         Before Shabbat, I called my parents to see how   campaign of several months. No problem – we
                         they were doing, to get updates on my father   are ready.
                         from the hospital, and just to talk and hear their   I have just one request from all of you before I
                         voices for a few moments. My father guided me   finish. Preserve this unity, if not for you then
                         on how to keep Shabbat during a time of war   for the soldiers in the field. This unity is the fuel
                         and answered all of my halachic questions, even   that will take us through this war.
                         as he was lying in bed in the hospital.
                                                                 Don’t forget: only with unity and with strength
                         On Friday night we had a Carlebach davening,
                         and almost the entire company joined us. You   will we win.
                         should have heard all of Am Yisrael, including
                         the chilonim, the Tel Avivians and left-wing    This essay was originally published in Hebrew in
                         kibbutzniks, singing Lecha Dodi together and   Makor Rishon.
                         shouting niggunim at the top of their lungs. Our
                         enemy must see this unity – and so must our
                         I am not exaggerating by saying that the Friday
                         night tefillot here in the field with all those
                         wearing uniforms suffused with purpose were
                         even loftier than the tefillot on Yom Kippur at
                         Yeshivat Sderot!

                         Shabbat morning. Exactly a week ago, my                Dvir Sassi
                         father went to battle in the streets of Sderot and
                         was wounded, and the city was overwhelmed    is a reserve soldier in the Harel Brigade.

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