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        Safety or Destiny?                  up our lives to fulfill a mitzvah, but rather   heroism and pride as the Maccabees did
                                            “you should live by them, and not die by
                                                                                when they rebelled against the Greeks.
        N        ow is the time to come home.  them” (Sanhedrin 74a). Unlike our radical   After our neighbors Lucy, Maia and Rina
                                            Islamic enemies, who happily sacrifice
                                                                                Dee  hy”d were murdered, I remember
                 I know what you’re thinking:
                                            their children for jihad, we recognize the
                                                                                having an open conversation with my
                 “Now? Of all times to call on
                 Jews to uproot their lives and   infinite value of every Jewish life. Never-  brother about what it means to live in
                                            theless, there is far more to being a Jew
        move to Israel, you chose this moment?   than ensuring we and our children remain   Israel. We agreed that we would rather
        Israel is a war zone! Who in their right   safe.                        our children grow up here and be a little
        mind would leave the safety of suburban                                 traumatized but deeply connected to our
        America to move to Israel? We all hope   When G-d commanded Avraham to leave   people than have our children grow in the
        to be in Israel one day – but today is not   everything he ever knew for “a Land that   Diaspora without that trauma, but distant
        that day.”                          I will show you,” was He telling Avraham   from the joy and suffering of Am Yisrael.
                                            to play it safe? When David the shep-  As strange as this may sound, I thank G-d
        But are Jews in the Diaspora really safer   herd boy walked into the camp of Israel   everyday that we made Aliyah in time to
        than Jews in Israel? The explosion of   and volunteered to fight Goliath, did he   be here for this war, that my family has
        antisemitism throughout the world should   choose the “safer” path? When Esther   the merit to play a minor role in the epic
        make us pause. Over the last few months, a   said to Mordechai, “then I will go to the   story of our nation.
        Berlin synagogue was firebombed, Jewish   king contrary to the law, and if I perish,
        homes in Paris were spray painted with   I perish” (Esther 4:16), was she making a   Israel is not a “safe space,” not yet. But the
        Stars of David, and over 100,000 protestors   “safe” choice? When Matityahu and his   present and future of our people is here, in
        in London screamed “from the river to the                               the Holy Land. It is here, in the Land G-d
        sea, Palestine will be free.” All this as Jews   sons rose up to battle the mighty Greeks   promised us, where we will write the next
                                            instead of moving to Cyprus, did they do so
        are violently assaulted in Chicago and New                              chapter of Tanach, where Jewish heroes
        York  and  many  American  universities   after weighing the pros and cons and con-  are made every day.
        become no-go zones for Jewish students.  cluding that revolution was the “safest”
                                            approach? When young men and women   The day has come to embrace our destiny.
        It’s true that living in Israel is not exactly a   from the Diaspora choose to serve as lone   It’s time to come home. G-d is calling.
        walk in the park. But every Jew – whether   soldiers in the IDF instead of majoring in   “I will whistle to them, and I will gather
        we make our home in Israel or the Dias-  psychology at Rutgers, are they foolishly
        pora – now lives in the shadow of October   putting their lives at risk?  them, for I have redeemed them…” (Zech-
        7. Every Jew is a potential target. Frankly,                            ariah 10:8).
        my family feels safer living in Efrat, where   If “safety” was our highest ideal, G-d would
        we are protected by our holy soldiers and   have commanded Avraham to settle in a
        volunteer security team. With all respect   small village in Montana or the Austra-
        to the many wonderful gentile police   lian outback instead of a Land fought over  Elie Mischel
        officers of the Diaspora, I’d rather put my   by empires since the beginning of time.
        trust in our own warriors, who are fight-  Israel was never intended to be a “safe
        ing for their people and their Land.   haven” for Jews, a Land where we would
                                            no longer have to defend ourselves from
        Still, it’s worth asking a more fundamental   our enemies. Rather, as Rav Tzvi Yehudah
        question. Should “safety” be our primary   Kook often said, the strength and sacrifice
        life goal? Does G-d really want us to make   needed in Israel simply takes a different
        the “safer” choice?                 form. Whereas in exile, our strength is
        Preserving life is one of our greatest   expressed through “For it is for Your sake
        values. From the words “vachai bahem,” “he   that we are killed all the time, [that] we   Rabbi Elie Mischel
        shall live through them” (Vayikra 18:5),   are considered as sheep for the slaughter”   is the Editor of HaMizrachi magazine.
        the rabbis learn that we should not give   (Tehillim 44:23), in Israel we stand up with

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