Page 6 - HaMizrachi Chanukah 5784 North America
P. 6
Reflections from a
Mizrachi Mission to Israel
In partnership with RCA and YU-RIETS
Rabbi Elazar Muskin
oon after the horror of October 7, from “missing in action” to “captive in still lives with images in his head of the
the idea of creating rabbinic soli- Gaza.” This news has given the family terrorists trying to penetrate the kibbutz.
darity missions began to surface. renewed hope that Daniel is alive, but at It will take some time, he told us, before
SThree weeks into the war, we were the same time, the terrible pain of having he recovers, but he has every intention to
on our way. a child in captivity. overcome those haunting memories. He is
determined to recreate light in the midst
When we arrived at the ElAl counter at Most moving was hearing how Yonatan
LAX, the Israeli security agent robotically was determined to return to battle as soon of darkness.
asked, “What is the purpose of your trip?” as possible. Rabbi Perez explained that In Ofakim, we visited the Ohayun family,
When we said we were LA rabbis traveling when a soldier’s sibling is wounded, taken who tragically lost their father, Moshe,
to Israel for a rabbinic mission of support, captive, or listed as MIA, the army does and an 18-year-old son, Eliad, who were
her demeanor quickly changed, and she not allow the soldier to return to the army killed on Simchat Torah morning while
demonstratively thanked us for traveling without his parents’ written consent. trying to open the neighborhood shelters
at this perilous time. Throughout our trip, The last thing a parent in this situation that were locked because no one dreamed
we were greeted with warmth and grat- wants is to put another child in harm’s they would ever be needed. Moshe’s sister
itude. Israelis, no matter their religious way. Yonatan, however, insisted that his took us on a walk near their home, to see
inclination or political view, wanted us parents allow him to continue serving, exactly where Moshe and Eliad encoun-
to know that our presence was deeply arguing that they themselves taught him tered the terrorists.
appreciated. to always put the needs of the Jewish Security cameras showed that Moshe
The mission began at the Mizrachi office people above all else. Rabbi Perez and his was able to kill the leader of the ter-
in Jerusalem. There we heard an emo- wife signed the form. rorists before he and Eliad were fatally
tional and inspiring address from Rabbi We encountered this very reaction on our wounded. 44 citizens of Ofakim paid the
Doron Perez, head of World Mizrachi. It visit to Kibbutz Zikim at the Gaza border. ultimate price, but without their heroic
was Rabbi Perez’s first time at the office Today, the kibbutz residents have been battle against the terrorists, many more
since the war began. He described his evacuated, except for a skeleton crew innocent civilians would have been killed.
personal challenge of sending two sons overseeing security and the daily milking The Ohayun family is determined to
into battle on the first day of the war. of the kibbutz cows. We met a very young memorialize their father and son as sym-
His son Yonatan was shot in the leg, but looking 70-year-old, Kobi, who is consid- bols of Israel’s strength. They, and all of
thank G-d, the bullet miraculously did not ered the hero who saved the kibbutz. On Israel, will bring light to illuminate the
cause major damage. Yonatan was able to that fateful morning, he awoke to unusual darkness.
proceed as planned with his wedding the noise outside and immediately summoned
following week. his security team to join him in checking
However, life did not resume as planned the perimeter of the kibbutz. At first, he
for Rabbi Perez’s other son. Daniel and his thought the terrorists driving up in a mini-
tank crew fought the terrorists until their bus were IDF soldiers. When they pointed
tank was captured by Hamas. When the an RPG at him, he quickly realized they
IDF finally recovered the disabled tank, were terrorists and instinctively killed
they found one dead soldier inside, with- four, causing the remainder to retreat.
out a trace of Daniel or his fellow crew Although it was clear to all that he saved
members. For the first two weeks of the his kibbutz, he refused to take any credit. Rabbi Elazar Muskin
war, Daniel was classified as “missing When I asked Kobi if he planned to is senior rabbi of Young Israel of Century
in action.” Eventually, the family was return with his family after the war, he City in Los Angeles, and a past president
informed by the IDF that they had suffi- responded, “Yes, this is my home, and I will of the Rabbinical Council of America.
cient evidence to change Daniel’s status not abandon it.” He also admitted that he
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