Page 48 - HaMizrachi Chanukah 5784 North America
P. 48

The Greek Worldview

                                            Rabbi Chaggai Londin

              ach year as Chanukah approaches,   forces. Hence, each person has their own   In the Olympics, no one is rewarded for
              people frequently discuss the phe-  value, and that value is not determined by   improving their own performance. The
              nomenon of the “Mityavnim,” the   how they compare to anybody else. Each   only thing that matters is whether an
       EJews at the time of the Maccabees   person has their own G-dly nature, their   athlete can beat his competitors. But
        who sought to popularize Hellenism in   own identity, and the identity and achieve-  according to the Torah’s worldview, what
        Israel. It is a popular sport to speculate   ments of others are irrelevant. While we   really matters is achieving your own
        regarding which groups of Jews qualify   live in a physical world and all receive dif-  G-dly potential, irrespective of the people
        in our own time as “Mityavnim.” How-  ferent things, ultimately our goal is to be   around you.
        ever, I think that it is more productive to   happy with what we have, knowing that   This applies to children and adults alike.
        examine the mindsets and outlooks that   it is what Hashem wants.       Adults often feel that they have to con-
        represent “hityavnut” and which we must                                 stantly prove themselves through profes-
        be wary of and fight against.       One would think that in the 21st century,   sional achievements. Young families go
                                            most people would be happy. We live in a
        From the Greek perspective, we live in a   civilization of material abundance, with   into debt buying things they don’t need,
        materialistic world of competing forces.   historically high quality of life, and yet   just to keep up appearances.
        The Greeks were the first to theorize about   so many people are upset and depressed.   As we light the menorah, let us remember
        atoms as the fundamental building blocks   The reason for this is that we’ve adopted a   the Jewish worldview that beat the Greek
        of our physical world. Theologically, they   “Greek mindset” of competition in which   one. Ultimately, we believe our world and
        saw a world of multiple gods fighting with   each of us is valued only in relation to   each person is fundamentally spiritual,
        each other, each representing a different                               and so each person is infinitely valuable,
        force in our world. In this materialistic   others. When a child comes home from   making it unnecessary to compare our-
        worldview, the world is a zero-sum game   school and his parents ask “what grade did   selves to others. May we celebrate the
        of a competition for resources, and so   you get on the test?” and the next question   spiritual victory of Chanukah, and apply
        there were constant battles between the   is “what grade did your friends get?,” the   its lessons to our own lives.
        Greeks and their neighbors. This world-  child will internalize a competitive view
        view also led to the creation of the Olym-  of the world.
        pics, something that institutionalized this
        competitive worldview and celebrated the
        physical prowess of the victor.
        By contrast, the Jewish worldview per-
        ceives existence through spiritual, rather
        than material, lenses. Physical atoms are
        not the core of existence, but rather the                                       Rabbi Chaggai Londin
        world of the spirit and values. The world                                  is the Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivat Hesder
        is fundamentally united, under one G-d,                                     Holon, and is a resident of Sderot.
        rather than a plethora of competing

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