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ahead seem so long and insurmountable, As the weeks progress, I will listen care- already knows. I need it to tell me how to
but we will continue to pray and work fully as the Torah speaks of my ancestors stay strong and how to remain just and
together, doing all that we can to protect who were persecuted for being different, kind and brave even when I am over-
our people and defeat evil. and hated for their unwavering faith in whelmed by feelings of despair.
a G-d who cannot be seen. And I will pay
On that first Shabbat after the massacre, close attention during the many weeks I will keep showing up on Shabbat to
we read from Parshat Bereshit about how when we will read about my people on hear how the story of my people plays
the world was dark and chaotic, but G-d their long journey to the one place where out. Because the story of Abraham search-
created order and light with just a few we have been promised that we can live ing for his ultimate home, is the story of
words. The following week, we read about and practice our faith in peace. Rabbi Reuven Yonah finally making it to
how G-d destroyed the world because it the land of his dreams, is the story of me
was full of hatred and violence, and He I have no doubt that Rabbi Reuven Yonah and my children who understand how
rebirthed it with a promise never to would be overwhelmed with pride at the blessedly fortunate we are to be here at
destroy us again. And this past week, we sight of his great-great-grandchildren, this time. Even now. I don’t know what
prospering in the land that he loved,
read the story of Abraham, who was aging donning the uniform of the Israeli army, the future holds. But I have faith that we
and childless when G-d promised to make prepared to defend everything that is will dance with our Torah on Simchat
him a great nation, and that he would be right and good in this world. And despite Torah next year.
strong and blessed in his beloved land. the horror and depravity that we have
And now I realize that the Torah does not witnessed, I have no doubt that the Torah
need my words of comfort. The Torah’s is relieved to be here in the Jewish home-
words are a reminder and a comfort to land, where it can steadfastly remind us
me. The Torah knows that to be a Jew that the road has always been long and
is to be lonely and misunderstood. The arduous, but that we have prevailed again
Torah knows what it means to tenaciously and again and again, and this time will
pursue justice and righteousness, even be no different. Kally Kislowicz
when others mistake your virtue for I don’t have to tell the Torah that life can made Aliyah from Cleveland,
Ohio, to Efrat in 2016.
immorality. be harrowing and incomprehensible – it
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