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                                                                                  Dr. Mordechai Kedar

                                  how did jerusalem

                  come to be so holy to muslims?

                  hen Islam came to the      for the Hajj. Yazeed, the second    creating a scene in which the former
                  world in the 7th century   Umayyad    Calif,   needed   an     prophets agree to Muhammad’s
        WCE, Islamization was                alternative site for the pilgrimage   mastery, thus making him Khatam
        practiced on places as well as       and settled on Jerusalem, then      al-Anbiya’  (“the  Seal  of  the
        persons: Mecca  and  the  holy stone   under his control. To justify this   Prophets”). The deep meaning of
        – al-Ka’bah – were holy sites of     choice, a verse from the Koran was   this legend is that Islam came to the
        the pre-Islamic pagan Arabs. The     chosen (Sura 17, verse 1) which     world in order to replace Judaism
        Umayyad Mosque in Damascus and       states:                             and Christianity rather than to live
        the Great Mosque of Istanbul were                                        with them side by side.
        erected on the sites of Christian-   “Glory to Him who took His servant
        Byzantine churches – two of the      by night from the Sacred Mosque     This legend was attached to
        better-known examples of how         (Mecca) to the Further Mosque,      Jerusalem to convince the people
        Islam treated sanctuaries of other   whose precincts We have blessed,    to go to Jerusalem for Hajj rather
        faiths.                              in order to show him some of Our    than Mecca. In addition, thousands
                                             wonders, He is indeed the All-      of Hadith (oral tradition) stories
        Jerusalem also underwent the         Hearing, the All-Seeing.”           were concocted by the Ulama’
        same process of Islamization. At                                         (learned  people)  who  served  in  the
        first Muhammad attempted to          It should be noted that at the time of   Calif Yazeed’s court, to support
        convince the Jews of Medina to       Muhammad, the “further  mosque”     the idea that Bayt al-Maqdis (the
        join his young community, and by     was in the Arab peninsula, near     classic name of Jerusalem in Arab
        way  of  persuasion,  established  the   a village called Ju’rrana, between   sources) should replace Mecca as
        direction of prayer (Qiblah) to be   Mecca and Ta’if.                    a place for Hajj. It is important to
        to the north, towards Jerusalem,     In order to justify the transfer of   mention here that the Shi’a, the
        in an attempt to convince the Jews   the Hajj to Jerusalem, the meaning   enemies of the Calif Yazeed and the
        of Medina to convert to Islam.       ascribed to this verse was that     entire Umayyad dynasty, have not
        However, after he failed in this     “the furthest mosque” (al-Masgid    accepted the idea that Jerusalem is
        attempt, he turned against the Jews,   al-Aqsa) is in Jerusalem and that   the third holiest place after Mecca
        killed the men, took the women       Muhammad  was  conveyed  there      and Medina; for them, traditionally,
        and directed the Qiblah southward,   one night, on the back of al-Buraq,   the third place is Najaf, in southern
        towards Mecca.                       a magical horse with the head of    Iraq. It was only after the Khomeini
        Muhammad’s     abandonment    of     a woman, the wings of an eagle,     revolution in 1979 that the Shi’a
                                                                                 started to speak about Jerusalem.
        Jerusalem explains the fact that     the tail of a peacock, and hoofs
        this city is not mentioned even once   reaching to the horizon. He tethered   Conclusion: the sacredness of
        in  the Koran.  After Palestine  was   the horse to the Western Wall of   Jerusalem in  Islam was, and  still
        occupied by the Muslims in 638 CE,   the Temple Mount and from there     is, no more than a myth, caused
        six years after Muhammad died, its   ascended to the seventh heaven      by political problems the Islamic
        capital was Ramlah, 30 miles west of   together with the angel  Gabriel.   empire has suffered from since its
        Jerusalem, signifying that Jerusalem   On his way he met the prophets    dawn. The question which we –
        meant nothing to them.               of other religions who are the      Jews and Christians – face today is:
                                             guardians of the Seven Heavens:     will we give up on our sacred city
        Islam    rediscovered  Jerusalem     Adam, Jesus, St. John, Joseph, Idris   only  because  Muslims  concocted
        almost 50 years after Muhammad's     (Seth?), Aaron, Moses and Abraham   their own stories about this city?
        death in 682 CE, when ‘Abd Allah     who accompanied him on his way
        ibn al-Zubayr rebelled against       to Allah and who accepted him as
        the  Islamic  rulers  in Damascus,   their master by praying behind him.   Dr. Mordechai Kedar is an Israeli scholar
        conquered Mecca and prevented        Thus Islam tries to gain legitimacy   of Arabic culture and a lecturer at Bar-
        pilgrims from reaching Mecca         over other, older religions, by     Ilan University

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